Author Topic: Mac OS X Jaguar  (Read 1407 times)


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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #15 on: 8 June 2002, 08:52 »
Originally posted by Gooseberry Clock:
Really? I just switched to 800x600 and they wrapped (this is using IE). This leaves you with two options:
  • switch to 1024x768
  • use a different browser
Once you switch to 1024x768, you'll wonder how you ever survived in 800x600.

[ June 07, 2002: Message edited by: Gooseberry Clock ][/b]
Works for me in 800x600 and so will more pages in mozilla than IE. Because the mozilla sidebar is smaller.

Goosenbury's a fuck... BAN HIM  


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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #16 on: 8 June 2002, 21:10 »
Originally posted by psyjax:

Hey rav,

here is the wired article:,2125,51586,00.html

It talkes about the iPod hackers and such. I may be wrong about the OS on the iPod tho.

It apears a company named Pixo is responsible for it.

Thanks mate, this is a bit offtopic but can someone grab me some information on a company called Elxsi? They built a UNIX machine called the Elxsi 6400 and I heard an Old Unix Guy talking about the default insecurity of one.. sounds like a Microsoft in the making, but they died abruptly for some reason or another.

Everything I've been able to pull off Google was of no help to me, no kinds of specs of machines or even any info on whether they used AT&T Unix or Bell Unix.

Oh well, getting back on topic..

One of the 5 or 6 browsers I have on my iMac continually has problems with FuckMicrosoft's forum pages.. extra scroll bars start appearing which do nothing... oh well. If I find out which, I'll let you guys know for sure.


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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #17 on: 9 June 2002, 18:47 »
Jaguar will use the quartz extreme graphics engin. It uses the hardware acceleration on the video card for the desktop graphics which takes stress off the rest of the system. It's called third generation graphics. That's why Jaguar will be so much faster. The next version of windows planed for 2004-2006 will have third gen graphics too.  Quartz extreme will let developers do all kinds of shit that can't be done now. If you think the graphics in OSX is good now, wait till you see what devs. are going to be doing after Jaguar. OSX has support for all kinds of crazy stuff that no one can really take advantage of now. Jagaur is supposed to change all that.  here's a video of OSX running quartz extreme,
there are some screen shots here

If your going to buy a mac, your much better off getting a slower chip and less ram and put the extra cash into  a better video card. Once the ram on the video card fills up, it will have to swap with the system memory which will slow the system down. That's why they recommend at least 32 MB video memory, to reduce swaping. Your going to get much more use out of your graphics card with Jaguar.