Author Topic: Nifty  (Read 736 times)


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« on: 23 October 2003, 16:17 »
Here's a URL to add to the Safari bookmark bar that you can click on to create a new mail message with the URL title as the subject and the URL itself as the body...
Go into the Safari bookmarks window (Cmd-Opt-B), create a new bookmark, title it whatever you want, and add the following as the URL:
 Now when you're at a page of interest, click that link, and mail will create a new message with the URL title as the Subject, and the URL as the body. Good for saving off a few seconds when you're researching info for clients or friends.


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« Reply #1 on: 23 October 2003, 20:33 »
Cool, thanks. Chimera already has a toolbar button that does this too.