Author Topic: retarded artical from ZDnet  (Read 2085 times)

Canadian Lover

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retarded artical from ZDnet
« Reply #1 on: 29 June 2003, 21:22 »
My god, what a load of rubbish.

10. Microsoft drives computing costs down  

Only to charge astronomical amounts for software licences and lock businesses in a never-ending cycle of forced upgrades. Besides, all Microsoft does is force higher hardware requirements with bloated software, when most of the time the hardware upgrades are useless to most people other than gamers. This only forces customers to buy more hardware, thus creating more demand; it doesn't lower prices in any way. It is the competition amongst hardware developers that drive down prices, not Microsoft's bloated software.

to drive down hardware prices
through standard PC specifications  

This has nothing to do with Microsoft. Again, this is the initiative of hardware vendors (assuming he means hardware like RAM and hard drives).

the reason WinModems exist is that they cost less

Winmodems are crap, even for Windows users. They hog system performance, give even more fiddling with drivers and are incompatible with other systems.

Microsoft has historically charged FAR less than its
proprietary cousins.  

I think the author has a very different definition of the word 'proprietary'.

Compared to Sun Microsystems' high-priced Unix servers, Oracle's incredibly expensive database and the price combo of Apple hardware with ANY Apple
OS, Microsoft products have been an incredible bargain.  

TCO, reliability, quality! Three important factors not taken into account! It has been proven again and again by business researches that Apple hardware is much cheaper in the long run than Wintels. And Windows NT is far from being as reliable as Solaris.

And this is just the beginning.

[ June 29, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


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retarded artical from ZDnet
« Reply #2 on: 29 June 2003, 22:04 »
 9. Microsoft has been instrumental in bringing computing to ordinary people  

No. Most of the people who bought Windows were already on MS-DOS, which they were forced to buy with their computer. It was Apple who brought the computer to the masses, twice, with the Apple II and the Macintosh. There were even studies that said that more copies of Mac OS were sold at retail than Windows 95, so the success of Windows was not due to marketing.

Microsoft regularly is ranked one of the best places to work. Programmers are respected, and creativity is encouraged.

Yet I've heard of many stories of programmers with indefinite temporary jobs, and other such gimmicks. And I've heard that there is a strong competition amongst departments.

Microsoft pays loads in taxes
Enough said.

Its founder has donated more money to charity than anyone in history

He did make a lot of contributions to India recently. What a coincidence that Microsoft was seeking to expand its market in that country! And I heard he donates funds to schools... just enough to buy computers with Microsoft software preinstalled. A good investment, if anything, to force Windows down the throat of students while they're still young.

and all the technicians engaged in writing software for Windows or providing technical support for it, you'll find that there is far more money made from Microsoft products outside of Redmond than is made inside of it.  

Not to mention all the money made by ITs who get paid to help users overcome all the problems of Microsoft Windows. They would not want them to use anything else than Windows, would they?

One of the largest R&D budgets in the industry

It makes me wonder how they waste all that money, when much smaller companies like Sun and Apple come up with much more and better stuff like Java and Xcode.

Microsoft takes risks

Risks? They just copy other products. The only risks they take are legal risks associated with their business practices. And don't they lose money on all the producte the author listed?

A beacon of profitability in a sea of red ink

They lose money on everything else than Windows and Office, as I said above.

No accounting scandals at Microsoft

No, but they risk getting a 2 trillion dollar fine because of their insecure Passport. And, of course, once again:

[ June 29, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


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retarded artical from ZDnet
« Reply #3 on: 30 June 2003, 08:30 »
ZDNet:"Microsoft drives computing costs down"

Beg your pardon, what was that? Are you guys at ZDnet by any chance a bunch of?.........

ZDNet:"A beacon of profitability in a sea of red ink"

Yep, you guys are a bunch of fucking retards

Doctor V

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retarded artical from ZDnet
« Reply #4 on: 30 June 2003, 19:50 »
What a fucktard!

 Microsoft has been instrumental in bringing computing to ordinary people

All this fucking retards give M$hit the credit for making the first easy to use point and click OS, but it was fucking not M$, it was Apple, that made the first easy-to-use GUI based OS.  M$hit just copied the Mac.  :mad:


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retarded artical from ZDnet
« Reply #5 on: 30 June 2003, 20:26 »
I think the author meant that Microsoft brought the personal computer to the public with their massive marketing. Which is false, because the massive adoption of Windows was due to Microsoft forcing OEMs to bundle their OS with their computers and disallowing any competition.

The author also suggests that Microsoft's bullying tactics helped bring computers to the masses, which is absurd because the OEMs would have produced the computers anyway and put another OS (such as DR-DOS with GEM, OS/2 or BeOS).

Canadian Lover

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retarded artical from ZDnet
« Reply #6 on: 1 July 2003, 03:26 »

from this  artical

I know the spams gonna fly, but Thanks to MS and windows dominance, windows has dictated a standard, and because of that, we have far less fragmentation. How many damn flavors of Unix are there, and why cant I simply migrate my DB easily from one to the other. I mean Unix is Unix isnt it? NOT.

The only standard Windiws set is rebooting 10 times a day. "Far less fragmentation" how about the blue screen of death is says something like
"windows caused an error in kernal 56 and will reboot." dose that make any sence? There are LOTS of flavers of Unix.

[ June 30, 2003: Message edited by: The all Microsoft hater ]


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retarded artical from ZDnet
« Reply #7 on: 1 July 2003, 03:43 »
Windows is not a standard; it's a single product coming from a single vendor (i.e. a monopoly). A standard is a set of specifications agreed upon by developpers to make their products compatible. A standard has to be open and transparent to the developpers; all of the specifications have to be documented. POSIX is a standard; Windows is not, it's a single product.


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retarded artical from ZDnet
« Reply #8 on: 1 July 2003, 12:58 »
All I have to say about Mr. John Carroll is :WHUDDA MAROON!!
I especially liked this one:
8. Microsoft employees absolutely love  their company
Microsoft regularly is ranked one of the best places to work. Programmers are respected, and creativity is encouraged.
Well, Ballmer does. Creativity is encouraged?(!) Remember: when His Gatesness was having Windows 95 developed, he was constantly telling his developers to make it look more like the Mac. How is that encourageing creativity?  :rolleyes:
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retarded artical from ZDnet
« Reply #9 on: 2 July 2003, 14:29 »
This has to be one of the worst, most missguided articles I've ever had the displeasure of reading. What an idiot.  :mad:
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