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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #30 on: 5 February 2002, 14:35 »
Wow! you sure do yr research! that's all news to me...
That book tracks the history of Linux, starting with a history of UNIX, and i got it in Australia, so i'm not sure if it's available elsewhere... It's a very good book though and well recommended, but i'm sure you can imagine the writer is not totally objective, so i don't stand by the remarks regarding XWindows. I can't even remember what section of the book it's in, you would have to go looking up MIT and XWindows in the index et c...
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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #31 on: 5 February 2002, 21:47 »
Thanks, but I still have mixed emotions regarding Lindows. I go to their web site and it's not hard to get the impression that "Michael" has a very large ego (the picture of him on the front page gives that away).  I get the feeling he is a "Bill Gates wannabe" and doesn't have a GNU/FSF motivation.  It appears to be all about money if you ask me.  It will be interesting to see if you will be able to download a non-crippled copy of his OS for free and with no strings attached when it is released.

Having said that, it still might be a good thing for the anti-MS types as it could be the stepping stone out of the MS trap that is necessary to get Linux on more desktops and to make app developers understand that it will be gaining ground, causing the app vendors to port their software to Linux, then the flood gates would open (the dam would break, etc).

Of course on the other hand, developers might have less incentive to port to Linux since Lindows would theoretically already be able to run the apps as Windows programs.

And for those that are stuck on Windows because of MS Office, even though Lindows can run MS Office, why pay $99 for Lindows when the MS OS sells for not much more in relation to the cost of MS Office itself when Windows will likely be able to run MS Office better than Lindows can because it is running it natively?  I think it is key that OpenOffice or KOffice etc become mature enough to be a viable option (I think major strides are being made and they are getting close).

Once all the app vendors have a Linux port and there is an equal or better Office product, MS (and Lindows) become extinct.  That will be a truly banner day!
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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #32 on: 6 February 2002, 14:46 »
You are right, the thing about whether or not we'll get a free download is the decider. Of course, the words, gate, horse and bolt spring to mind, since in the Linux world it seems that if somebody does something, and somebody else doesn't like the way they did it, somebody else gets right on down making a better/free/whatever needs to be changed version and everybody benifits! There's no way to be a Bill Gates in the Linux arena, i sincerely hope not anyway!
If they release their stuff under the open source GPL thing, then it makes no difference whether Lindows are any use. If they are, great! If not, well, wait a year and somebody will have come out with a much better version, maybe even them themselves.
The main thing about this is, i reckon many linux distributions will get their heads out of their bums and start including a bunch of serious Win to Lin migration tools. Tools which will enable you to keep ALL the proprietary M$ formats (.xls, .doc, .avi, .wma et c) and still read and edit them flawlessly within Linux. It can certainly be done i'm sure, but i think that will be the next push for making Linux acceptable to the mass consumer.
It's not about an idiot proof GUI, it's about whether you can do your word processing or spreadsheet, and then email the results to someone on a Windows system, or a Mac.
When full integration is complete, M$ will be truly out the window. Not before.
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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #33 on: 9 February 2002, 00:40 »
HEY PEOPLE...NO FEAR...FUCK MICROSOFT IS HERE!!! I'm from the MSN CORP...and they sURE Suck!!!

  i havent got a promotion in 2yrs...i dunno why!!! i waz that ass who developed the WINDOWS MESSENGER!!! I CURSE MYSELF!!! I SWEAR SOMEDAY BILL GATES WILL REALISE AND SHUT DOWN THAT DAMN COMPANY!!!     :mad:
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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #34 on: 18 February 2002, 12:35 »
(My first post here)

This Lindows vs Windows story sounds like the one where a swedish company registered the name Excel in 1982. A few years later M
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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #35 on: 18 February 2002, 23:18 »
 "We're not asking the court to stop the company  from making their products," said Microsoft spokesman Jon Murchinson. "What we're saying is they should not use a name that could confuse the public and infringe on our valuable trademark."

valuable?!?!? well, i guess if spending $500 to write an operating system, then get paid 230$ per unit.... you'll get money, and i guess it will be valuable


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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #36 on: 19 February 2002, 18:24 »
With regard to the 'confusion' issue:
By Ian Fried,
In the latest court papers, which were made public Thursday, Lindows said it conducted a survey of 750 of its registered users and found that not one confused Microsoft with the start-up.
"Not a single respondent believed that Microsoft 'makes, sponsors or licenses Lindows OS' or 'owns or operates,'" the company said in the filing.
Further, Lindows argues that Windows is itself a generic term for a feature of an operating system, bolstering its case by drawing on Microsoft's own testimony when the software giant defended itself against Apple Computer in a 1988 suit.

well, the full article can be found here, such as it is. Seems M$ are fighting a losing battle, the only way for them to win now is to throw money at the problem in my opinion...
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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #37 on: 20 February 2002, 08:48 »
It'll be a disgrace if MS actually wins. Windows, lindows. Oh yeah people will soooo get confused   :rolleyes:  I seriously think a retard couldn't even get confused.
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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #38 on: 22 February 2002, 10:53 »
What Microsoft is trying to do with this lawsuit is to make Lindows spend so much money on the lawsuit that they will be unable to put out their new OS to compete with Windows.

If Lindows goes to put out their product while this lawsuit is going on, Microsoft will try to get a injunction to stop it so the company cannot sell the software until the lawsuit is over with.

Microsoft is hoping that they can get Lindows to run out of money so they will go out of buisness in which case I'm sure Microsoft will be willing to buy their failed company so they can make this OS disappear or they will put it out under their own name to compete more with the Linux/Unix market.



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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #39 on: 14 March 2002, 14:54 »
Why can M$ sue Lindows when it's advertising its new Shitbox (sorry, Ex-Bo(llo)x) with the address Surely this might be confused with Playstation?
And I'm fitting new double-glazed viewing apertures to my house. I'd call them by their real name, but BillyG might not like that.
And is XWindows a real name/OS? If so, has anyone sued them lately? Answers on the back of 4000 pages of legal argument.....
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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #40 on: 14 March 2002, 14:58 »
btw, while i posted about the XWindows thing here before, and people said, yes, XWindows was a real name, i am reliably informed that the program was actually called just 'X' briefly before that. and 'W' before that, although it has been called XWindows for rather a long time (a longer time than M$ have had a monopoly, i'll wager).

Also, this Lindows thing is bullshit, but like somebody once said (i forget who),
"A jury is 12 people gathered together to decide who has the best lawyer."
Too true.  :(
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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #41 on: 19 March 2002, 06:23 »
Budda bing, budda boom, budda Microsoft LOST!  I can't believe we missed this.  Why was it so quiet?
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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #42 on: 19 March 2002, 07:45 »

Originally posted by VoidMain:
Budda bing, budda boom, budda Microsoft LOST!  I can't believe we missed this.  Why was it so quiet?


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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #43 on: 19 March 2002, 07:56 »
so, does anyone know when lindows is due to come out? At they just say "within the first few months of 2002"

YAY MS lost!!!!
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MicroSoft: 'Lindows' violates our trademark
« Reply #44 on: 19 March 2002, 08:08 »
Well, I fully expect Lindows to be a load of garbage and I really don't have any interest in the product. But I was certainly pulling for them in this law suit.  I personally think Lindows is bad for Linux, but it's really hard to tell without the product. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now.
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