Ohhhh, no no no. I wasn't foolish enough to mention this website to them.

While many of the staff might secretly agree with it, it isn't "proper" or "professional" to express such feelings.
What sucks is that the job was a step down for me. When you can't even get hired to a job that's "beneath" you, you have to wonder what's going on.
This was just a week after National Public Radio passed on me for a half-Web, half-writing/editing gig. They liked everything, except that I didn't have any actual on-the-job writing experience (though I have a Journalism degree). Since I felt fairly comfortable with the contact person at NPR, I even told her about this site, and she seemed to dig it.
Blah. Employment's such a crock of shit. I really should just marry my girlfriend in California, move out there, and live the Lebowski lifestyle in LA. But I have a feeling she wouldn't be so hot on that being my reason for it.
Wow, I've gotten awful personal now, haven't I?