Originally posted by ecsyle:
word though. im glad to see people standing up for apple
[ April 14, 2003: Message edited by: ecsyle ]
Well, I can't say that I'm a Mac zealot, but the reason I bought an iBook last September was first of all OS X. I believe that what Apple did, was very brave. Adopting an open source OS for the core of OS X, is not an easy decision for anyone to make, let alone Apple that has gone through numerous financial difficulties in the past. I also like the fact that I can work with the shell and install a variety of open source and free software that has been ported to Darwin.
What I fail to understand though, is this suspiciousness from a small part of the open source community about OS X. Thanks to OS X, many people will discover open source apps and as a result there will be better support as many developers will be working in that direction as well.
Anyway, I like OS X and I certainly like GNU/Linux for what it stands for. If Linux were as ready as OS X is for the desktop, then I would propably do 80% of my work there. For the moment though, I'm mostly working on my iBook and enjoying every minute of it. I'll also continue to stand up for Apple, unless I see a reason in the future not to.