Author Topic: Safari: What's the big deal??!!  (Read 4072 times)


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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #45 on: 16 April 2003, 03:49 »

[ April 15, 2003: Message edited by: Windows XP Hater #2874586 ]

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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #46 on: 16 April 2003, 03:50 »
damn double post... sorry

[ April 15, 2003: Message edited by: Windows XP Hater #2874586 ]

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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #47 on: 16 April 2003, 04:24 »
Originally posted by Calum: crusader for peace & freedom:
khtml sucks. why people persist is beyond me.

when they get tabbed browsing on the go and when their privacy and security settings are as versatile and when it's fast enough to compare with gecko browsers, then i might relent on khtml.

still, haven't tried safari myself and from what i hear from you guys, it's better than konqueror web browser, so this means that apple must be making it better? so long as they don't rest on their laurels it should be more or less decent some time soon.

Did you use Konq. 3.1? It has all of that. Plus, installing Mosfet's Replacement Image Loading thingie, it'll be a god-send to you if you're on dialup (progressive image loads).


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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #48 on: 16 April 2003, 12:11 »
my girlfriend uses konqueror ocassionally, but i prefer phoenix and mozilla to be honest. i will probably try out konqueror 3.1 sometime soon - i know my girlfriend is still using konqueror 3.0 because she still boots into red hat 8 even though i now have slack 9 too.

i wonder when we will see a linux version of safari since apple are such generous chappies and have released all their source code et cetera.
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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #49 on: 16 April 2003, 14:26 »
Originally posted by Calum: crusader for peace & freedom:

great to hear they are coming along so fast with it, as a company i do like apple et cetera, but it's a shame that use of real Free software suffers in this way.

actually the jury's still out on this in my opinion, also ecsyle, don't feel i am picking on you or anything just because i quoted you.

not to worry.
i think i did speak too quickly though. i cant access my bank online with safari. that really sucks. and safari was rendering my site weird. probably a css thing. so i will keep camino as my default.
wow. i just checked my site in explorer, and it really fucked it up. lame. mozilla was is the only browser to render it the way i want. camino second. yay gecko. not so yay khtml yet.
i wonder when we will see a linux version of safari since apple are such generous chappies and have released all their source code et cetera.

heh. i doubt they will release safari for any other platform. just like they will not release iLife, or keynote. but those last suites are not open.. so maybe they will? only time will tell. and i do have faith in apple.

[ April 16, 2003: Message edited by: ecsyle ]


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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #50 on: 16 April 2003, 14:59 »
There is really no reason in porting Safari to other platforms, since the only layer in Safari that is closed-source is the communication layer between the latter and OS X. All of the remaining code will go into future releases of KDE and Konqueror.


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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #51 on: 16 April 2003, 16:26 »
yes well, in that case there's no reason to make galeon either, or phoenix for that matter. and there's no reason to release netscape, opera or mozilla for windows or macintosh either since internet explorer already exists, and they're all based on mosaic. in fact why don't we just do away with internet explorer too and just use lynx on all operating systems?

in fact why do we even have any operating systems other than windows? there's no point! they're all just copies of unix anyway. we should all just use VAXes and PDP10s with unix on them. in fact, why bother when you can already get TOPS for those machines? what's the point?

Personally i believe in progress moving in the traditional direction of forward, and i will await the day when safari comes out for linux with baited breath. it will probably be on the same day that quicktime for linux comes out, and pigs fly and hell freezes over.

and before we hear any "that's off topic stop talking about linux" comments, if i had started this thread it would have gone in the applications section since that's exactly what safari is.

[ April 16, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: crusader for peace & freedom ]

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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #52 on: 16 April 2003, 19:03 »
Originally posted by Calum: crusader for peace & freedom:
yes well, in that case there's no reason to make galeon either, or phoenix for that matter. and there's no reason to release netscape, opera or mozilla for windows or macintosh either since internet explorer already exists, and they're all based on mosaic. in fact why don't we just do away with internet explorer too and just use lynx on all operating systems?

in fact why do we even have any operating systems other than windows? there's no point! they're all just copies of unix anyway. we should all just use VAXes and PDP10s with unix on them. in fact, why bother when you can already get TOPS for those machines? what's the point?

Personally i believe in progress moving in the traditional direction of forward, and i will await the day when safari comes out for linux with baited breath. it will probably be on the same day that quicktime for linux comes out, and pigs fly and hell freezes over.

and before we hear any "that's off topic stop talking about linux" comments, if i had started this thread it would have gone in the applications section since that's exactly what safari is.

[ April 16, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: crusader for peace & freedom ]

Perhaps you missed the point: Safari IS Konqueror! You won't find anything in Safari that you won't find in Konqueror. Why do you have to make me repeat myself? Anything new that goes into Safari, will go into Konqueror as well! Perhaps, if they changed Konqueror's name to Safari, you people would be happy.   :rolleyes:   I don't know what else to say..   :confused:


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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #53 on: 18 April 2003, 23:20 »
Originally posted by Panos:

Perhaps you missed the point: Safari IS Konqueror! You won't find anything in Safari that you won't find in Konqueror. Why do you have to make me repeat myself? Anything new that goes into Safari, will go into Konqueror as well! Perhaps, if they changed Konqueror's name to Safari, you people would be happy.    :rolleyes:    I don't know what else to say..    :confused:  

he has a point.


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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #54 on: 19 April 2003, 04:43 »
If Safari is Konqueror then why rename it?
Damn marketing goons.
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #55 on: 19 April 2003, 04:47 »
Originally posted by Faust:
If Safari is Konqueror then why rename it?
Damn marketing goons.

Your right, it is marketing.  But very few people would know what the K in konqueror stands for, or why the used a k in the first place.  This is also like asking why didn't Mozilla just call itself Netscape.  I mean its the same thing isn't it?


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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #56 on: 19 April 2003, 04:53 »
yeah point but i just cant resist this:

who the fuck knows what the z in "limb biZkit" stands for?  or the k in "linKin park?"  man putting weird letters in names to make them sound cooler is a fact of life nowadays!

and isnt KDE the K desktop environment?
so in that case doesnt K stand for K?
Yesterday it worked
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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #57 on: 19 April 2003, 05:15 »
Originally posted by Faust:
yeah point but i just cant resist this:

who the fuck knows what the z in "limb biZkit" stands for?  or the k in "linKin park?"  man putting weird letters in names to make them sound cooler is a fact of life nowadays!

and isnt KDE the K desktop environment?
so in that case doesnt K stand for K?

But you have to remember that the people that listen to that music and who use the computer for anything other than AIM are extremely limited and probably use a Dell runnning Windows and don't know what the words Dell on the side of their computer are for.


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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #58 on: 19 April 2003, 08:10 »
Okay, disregard this whole topic, I like Safari now.


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Safari: What's the big deal??!!
« Reply #59 on: 19 April 2003, 08:31 »
Originally posted by Calum: crusader for peace & freedom:
my girlfriend uses konqueror ocassionally, but i prefer phoenix and mozilla to be honest. i will probably try out konqueror 3.1 sometime soon - i know my girlfriend is still using konqueror 3.0 because she still boots into red hat 8 even though i now have slack 9 too.

i wonder when we will see a linux version of safari since apple are such generous chappies and have released all their source code et cetera.

Figures. Konqueror 3.1 is a _really_ good imporvement--it's more like 4.1 than 3.1! In fact, it even renders some pages Mozilla can't, is faster, and has all the features you were whining about in your first post. Oh, and it supports colored scrolling bars, which is totally cool.