Hey, this website is a nice breath of freshair. I'm going to kind of hit on a topic i did in another post. I'm currently in the market for a new computer and i'm on a budget (I'm in school). So far I've looked at computers I think i will like from vedors like Nutrend and Ibuypower.com, but they all want to shove M$ XP down my throat. Can you call these people and ask them form a Linux based program instead? Hitting on the Mac angle, I'm frustrated by the fact that Mac only offers a budget computer in the iMac form. I just can't go for that darn 15" screen. If i step up to a PowerMac 733 and buy even a cheap monitor, i'm looking at a wallet-breaker. Why, Mac, must you do this to me? Are there any plans for Mac to bring in a budget system that will do the cd burning and stuff AND have a bigger monitor! The 15" is going Dinosaur. Why is Mac sticking to the current iMac. I am interested in buying a Mac and maybe i'll end up shelling out the moolah for a Power Mac, but i might have to eat Ramen for the nect six months. Shouldn't Mac cater to a bigger, more varied crowd?