wow. very nice. iTunes has a small facelift, cleaner interface, plus Music Store. so far, i really dig music store. though, i have had a little trouble accessing the library, but i am sure that will be fixed. .99 a song is not bad, and it is all aac, which is smaller than mp3. i wonder if i can convert that into mp3. anyways, it looks like you can buy whole cds for a good price too. .99 for each track, and 20+ tracks a cd could get rediculous, but it seems like there is a discount for buying the whole thing. cool. i could very well get into this service. no version for other systems yet. so you will have to wait. i do not know if a linux version will be available, and i will be alittle annoyed if they dont write one.
the new iPods are very cool as well. lighter than 2 cds, and holds 30gigs worth of mp3 & aac. too cool. and it now has a dock, for easier transfering between mac & iPod. so, it looks like im going to dump some money into apple soon