Author Topic: Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac  (Read 2178 times)


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Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac
« on: 26 May 2003, 23:38 »
Im a very big fan of OSX

it runs great, looks great, Unix based, Tons of Apps.

and many popular mainstream apps have been ported to it.

but I am without a mac myself

and I probably always will be.  I like the X86 system not because its a better architecture, believe me I've looked into it ppc chips have alot going for them................except price

I like the fact that I can go fifteen minutes down the road to a local small business ad get an AMD that runs over a gig for about 90 bucks canadian

but I'm surpassing the point I was trying to make

Does anyone else in here feel the same way Big fan of the OS but not of the hardware?

Do I have any options now or in the future?


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Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac
« Reply #1 on: 26 May 2003, 23:57 »
Me too. If I saw a mac for $300-400 (The price of a low end PC (Yet sadly, higher then my current setup)) in the sunday ads, I'd run right out and buy one.


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Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac
« Reply #3 on: 27 May 2003, 01:23 »
it's sad that people have to do stuff like this. Steve Jobs must really be a moron if he thinks that the pattern they're keeping up with is going to work. It's great that they're cutting prices... but it's not enough. The entry-level machine is still too much. Apple should have kept the G3 iMac around, upgrading it some to have Radeon graphics to support QE, and with new optical drives... and sell it cheap. Their marketing ensures that people will get something with a G4 if they think they need "power".

A headless G3 iMac? Even better! I always saw Apple releasing a tiny box about the size of a Sega Dreamcast. It's got a single rear-mounted USB port, three front mounted ones. two front mounted FireWire ports, the optical drive on top, opening like a walkman, and either a VGA or DVI port on the back, along with sound in and out. Put a 40 or 60 GB drive in it, and give it easily upgraded RAM, using normal DIMMs, and you'll have somethin' there... oh yeah... sell it for $300.

But it'll never happen, 'cos Apple don't get it! They too stupid!

Oh yeah, not to mention the upgrade pricing for OS X. You think they could sell an "update" edition for $75 or so. Hell, even MS does that!
Go the fuck ~


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Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac
« Reply #4 on: 27 May 2003, 07:09 »
Same situation here. I am a big fan of Mac OS X, and I have been craving a Mac for years. However, since I am a student (like many of you, I presume), I have to save money for Uni, and in this situation it is hard to justify paying such a hefty price, even if I know they are well worth it.

I am waiting for the 970, hoping that the PPC catches up with the Pentium. Not that I care about the speed, just because I am insecure about paying more for less speed. And I hope that it might help lower the prices in the process (maybe).

I know it


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Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac
« Reply #5 on: 27 May 2003, 21:26 »
I think the OS is the very center of someone's computing experience, moreso than the hardware. I can deal with a slower speed, as long as I can use OS X.

Anyway, until OS X is ported to Intel/AMD hardware, it's a moot point. I'm sure Apple is working on it. The consensus across the board is that Mac has superior software and OS, but the hardware needs to catch up or get cheaper before they'll switch in droves.

NEW Apple hardware is no doubt very expensive, but you can buy a used rig for just a few hundred that can run OS X well enough for you to get used to it, or run a server.

My main Mac is 4 years old, and it runs great.
I'm putting off buying a new system until the IBM 970's come out.


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Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac
« Reply #6 on: 27 May 2003, 12:16 »
Well, either there are high prices or there is no Apple. I don't prefer the latter.


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Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac
« Reply #7 on: 27 May 2003, 13:02 »
Some evidence please Macman?
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac
« Reply #8 on: 27 May 2003, 18:46 »
Same here, OS Fan, dislike the PPC Hardware.  Apple has already ported OSX to x86 and updates it every update they release for PPC.  Although the X86 OSX doesn't support Carbon (which isn't necissarily a bad thing) but it means right now very few "big company" programs would run on the x86 version.


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Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac
« Reply #9 on: 28 May 2003, 00:44 »
Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain:
Same here, OS Fan, dislike the PPC Hardware.  Apple has already ported OSX to x86 and updates it every update they release for PPC.  Although the X86 OSX doesn't support Carbon (which isn't necissarily a bad thing) but it means right now very few "big company" programs would run on the x86 version.
They have???? Is it for sale?

M$ is proof that capitalism has failed.-Macman


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Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac
« Reply #10 on: 28 May 2003, 00:59 »
Originally posted by bossesjoe:
They have???? Is it for sale?

sadly, no  :(


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Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac
« Reply #11 on: 28 May 2003, 05:02 »
Originally posted by bossesjoe:
They have???? Is it for sale?

Most sites that have anything about it say that it is something apple can fall back on if their hardware fails, Which I pray it does.


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Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac
« Reply #12 on: 28 May 2003, 06:08 »
I don't mind apple being a hardware company but couldn't they make x86 hardware like everyone else? I'm sure they could do a better job (and maybe more expensive) they anyone else could. Or maybe we could switch everyone else to PPC...

M$ is proof that capitalism has failed.-Macman


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Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac
« Reply #13 on: 28 May 2003, 18:56 »
You might want to thank Apple for staying with PPC when Intel and AMD start integrating Palladium in their chips.


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Big OSX fan, but I'm without a mac
« Reply #14 on: 28 May 2003, 19:34 »
must not post while in a bad mood - original (offensive) post deleted.

what i'm saying is that apple may make their own x86 chips without the palladium bit. or they could just subcontract to intel/amd so that a "specialized" (cheaper) chip maker made the chips, and specify that apple chips must not hold DRM.  also i think the OS has to take advantage of the chip for it to work yeah, and i think apple is at least smart enough to avoid DRM.

[ May 28, 2003: Message edited by: Faust ]

Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that