Author Topic: Gateway Commercial  (Read 1054 times)


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Gateway Commercial
« on: 29 August 2002, 06:48 »
I was watching TV today, and suddenly I see a commercial of Gateway comparing an Apple iMac to some Gateway trash that's a total ripoff of the iMac..

anyway, it was making fun of macs and how the gateway was cheaper, faster, had a bigger driver and had more software.

And it even waved it's cd-rom tray (just like the iMac).


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Gateway Commercial
« Reply #1 on: 29 August 2002, 06:59 »
Bad marketing.  Why would they go after a product from a company with less than 4% of the market?  If anything, it could make people that have no idea about the iMac check it out.  Don't know what braniac was behind that one.  What do you expect from a computer company that has a cow for a mascot anyway.


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Gateway Commercial
« Reply #2 on: 29 August 2002, 07:43 »
Mac people certainly aren't going to switch from Mac to Gateway because of this, but maybe Mac people who use both Mac and PC will buy their PCs from Gateway instead of someone like Dell.

And maybe those PC users who think Macs are sexy but are too spineless to switch will settle for the Gateway machine rather than buying from someone like Dell. If they can't undercut Dell for the same crappy product then putting a pretty dress on it might help.

But that's just a guess.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Gateway Commercial
« Reply #3 on: 29 August 2002, 21:26 »
Apple is showing it's true agenda.


Even though I want to like apple. It seems like they're all about the money and the never-ending upgrade.   :(
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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Gateway Commercial
« Reply #4 on: 29 August 2002, 12:42 »
Gateway is a bucket of morons. OK here's the breakdown:

1) Looky! They come with Pentium 4's! Can I sue Intel if I buy one?

2) Their performance comparisions. They rip the iMacs in their 4 weak areas - way below the belt.

a) The Quake III tests: They don't even MENTION the screen resolution or color depth. Don't we all remember that Intel got caught cheating on this benchmark?

b)The Javascript test: NO F*CKING WAY! Those numbers are totally wrong. Not only could I not even come near reproducing those with ANY Microshit version of Java...they don't mention version #'s of either platforms. What were they using on the Mac; IE 3.0?

c) Boot Time: Fine. I'll give them this one. But: Have these people heard of a thing called sleep? I never shut down my Macs. Instant on is better than waiting 30 seconds any day. (PS: All of the WinXPee machines I know of (at work, etc) all crash when you attempt to wake from sleep)

d) pdf: They took the lower of the 3 test scores for this. Had they followed generally accepted testing procedures, the low-end profile's score would have been sigificantly higher (and the 17'' iMac would have beaten it)

3) M$ pays off Ziff Davis. We all know it.

4) They used the stock OS X for the iMacs (10.1.3?...they don't say) without any updates. There was a video driver update in the 10.1.5 update.

5) They BOUGHT the iMacs, from a store. Gateway supplied the Profiles, and presumably knew they were for testing. They could have screwed with them...manufacturers have done so in the past.

*SIGH* - I love bashing shitty benchmarks!

HOLD THE PRESSES!: They used a 2.66 GHz P4 with 512 MB of RAM and a 120 GB HD in the test - Not the actual 2.4 with 256 MB 40 GB that they flash in everyone's face (the "X" model). I told you they were fucking with you think the average person looks at this and ACTUALLY KNOWS that the model tested costs over $500 more than the one being flashed in their face? I don't think so. That shit should be illegal.

X Advertised (2.4/256/40 - $1499)
XL Tested (2.66/512/120 - $1999)

[ August 29, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/ Dustin /B0b ]

[ August 29, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/ Dustin /B0b ]


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Gateway Commercial
« Reply #5 on: 29 August 2002, 13:25 »
My dad had a gateway laptop... until it caught fire well it was loading... well not quite but smoke came put the keybored and the back.


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Gateway Commercial
« Reply #6 on: 29 August 2002, 21:54 »
In response to the DMCA DVD post. Apple was just telling a distributer that it couldent bundle a patch for iDVD into their external drive. That is a good thing, it would make Apple look like it supports that stuff and put them in the crosshairs of DMCA fanatics.

It didn't say that company couldent bundle their own software for burning DVD's just that it couldent patch up Apple's software. I think thats a fair bid.

Anyaway, that Gateway made me laugh  :D  Are they serious????

If the iMac is as crappy as they want it to be, they sure sound thretend to even go and try and compeat with it using this UGLY UGLY UGLY eyesore of a computer.

Jeezzz how long did it take them to design that thing? It's like they took a look at a stearo rack and said, hey let's make a comp. like that! HAHAHAHAH!


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Gateway Commercial
« Reply #7 on: 30 August 2002, 22:04 »


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Gateway Commercial
« Reply #8 on: 31 August 2002, 14:20 »

The name of the company--- "GATE"WAY

What else can they think for their AD?
mac == easy
*nix == power
windoze == nothing