Author Topic: "Piles" in Panther  (Read 2551 times)


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"Piles" in Panther
« on: 16 April 2003, 15:43 »
check this out
i really hope this is true. check out the flash "artist concept" of what it could be like.
fucking rumors...   :D


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"Piles" in Panther
« Reply #1 on: 16 April 2003, 16:00 »
Originally posted by ecsyle:
check this out
i really hope this is true. check out the flash "artist concept" of what it could be like.
fucking rumors...    :D  

Nice!   :D   I only hope it's true.   ;)


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"Piles" in Panther
« Reply #2 on: 16 April 2003, 16:21 »
Dammit... when will these lynx people make a flash plugin for their browser?  :D
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"Piles" in Panther
« Reply #3 on: 16 April 2003, 16:30 »
interesting that they have patented it. does this mean nobody except apple will be able to have "piles" in their GUI?

what a bunch of nice guys apple are, i can't wait for them to roll out their superlawyers.

incidentally, nice idea, i like it.
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"Piles" in Panther
« Reply #4 on: 16 April 2003, 17:26 »
wow that looks like a good concept.
couple of thoughts -

1: people on that site were talking about the OS "autosorting" a folder into relevant piles - unless this is done well it could be *very*  annoying... lets just trust its done well or has an optionable toggle!

2: "large" piles will be worse, not better than folders.  man i would hate looking for a file in an expanded pile of 200 or so other files...  and searching or globbing wouldnt cut it in this case either - mass file management is in my opinion the one thing that cant be handled well by text (terminals/searches/globbing et al)

3: the bit about other OS's not being able to incorporate it due to its "graphical intensity."
[sarcasm]yeah. sure.[/sarcasm] i see other OS copying this concept quikly if it pulls off - as should happen for any "groundbreaking" concept... the benefits should be passed on to the users, not held in a restrictive patent.  note that i dont wish the idea "stolen" off apple - other OS's  must give credit to apple for the pile idea, just as apple gives credit for the khtml source etcetera.  peaceful co-operation blah blah blah.  i also dont want apple to "not profit" off this idea - they will get a huge head start on incorporating this into their OS's and I'm sure they'll make full advantage of this.

4: if apple sues any OS (_provided_ said OS gives credit where due) for "stealing" the piles concept then I will turn this forum into the god damn biggest anti "Apple and their lawyers" flame the world has ever seen.    then again ill trust the belief of others that apple is a good corporate citizen so this is unlikely to be necessary.  ;)

but all in all its a *fantastic* concept, and if applied well i'm sure it will help Mac OS grabbing of windoids very nicely.  :D
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"Piles" in Panther
« Reply #5 on: 16 April 2003, 17:38 »
In order to win over more and more Windows die-hards, Mac OS must be more and more intuitive... to the point where Windows looks more like a "for geeks only" operating system.

what. the. fuck?
this dude is on crack  or what?
windows = geeks only?
windows = neither user friendly nor geeky!
slackware / debian = geeks only!

oh and in response to the mac OS gui is so cool statements i keep hearing - yes it is quite good. except for this fucking rotating rainbow THING! how the hell do i disable the stupid loady thing?  as irritating as the frigging hourglass...

another one on that site-

I'd like 2 c sum top range PC craptops do half the things this Apple PowerBook can. Some wintel user shud b shot 4 ther loyalty 2 an inferior platform & ther inability 2 recognise the power & style of both Apple harware and software and this review is just of their nut etc etc etc blah blah blah

sigh... "inferior platform" "should be shot" "inability to recognize..." "these nuts"

it seems X11 has a mac using twin who posts on these forums.    this is why these forums are good... neither the linux users nor the mac users can insult the other without being pulled up over it...

[ April 16, 2003: Message edited by: Faust ]

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"Piles" in Panther
« Reply #6 on: 16 April 2003, 19:04 »
Piles look cool!

And as for the "for geeks" stuff.. I seriously think the Mac is benifiting from all the UNIX "geeks" that have switched over, or at least purchased a Macintosh. I keep hearing how all the Mac users grupes and expos. are becomeing more and more saturated with Linux/*NIX types as well as artists.

Im sure other OS's will do piles, but I doubt apple will sue. They also own patents on icons, garbage cans, and folders. The days were viable lawsuits about these things are way WAY over.

That is....

Except for the dumb anti-OSX theming kick apple has been on. I mean, makeing such a big deal about their "intelectual property" being copyed (albiet quiteshoddily) makes it seem that the only thing great about their OS is the way it looks. Silly move, they should leave the themers alone, because they will allways be third rate compared to the origional article.


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"Piles" in Panther
« Reply #7 on: 16 April 2003, 19:35 »
i agree, if apple could just take the carrot out of their arse, we could all get down to having a good GUI. nice idea those piles, pity about the name.
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"Piles" in Panther
« Reply #8 on: 16 April 2003, 19:44 »
yeah it is a good idea.
"piles" is probably like the gui : it will be copied but everyone else will be playing "catch up" to the apple boys, and thats probably good - it won't take long for people to see other OS's trying to copy apple and work out where the good stuff comes out first. 8-)

edit : its a pity piles the real sickness / health issue isnt contagious or I could make "MS and all other OS's will catch piles off Apple" jokes...

[ April 16, 2003: Message edited by: Faust ]

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"Piles" in Panther
« Reply #9 on: 17 April 2003, 00:09 »
Hey, if Apple patents it then what's wrong with them only being able to use it? Maybe they don't want anyone like Microsoft copying them for a change? Besides, folks will find ways around them (probably going to call them stacks and have them be slightly different).

[ April 16, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS ]


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"Piles" in Panther
« Reply #10 on: 17 April 2003, 20:12 »
Originally posted by Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS:
Hey, if Apple patents it then what's wrong with them only being able to use it? Maybe they don't want anyone like Microsoft copying them for a change? Besides, folks will find ways around them (probably going to call them stacks and have them be slightly different).

[ April 16, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS ]

I agree,

Or, instead of people stealing it, they could charge people to use it.  This would help the mac community get more money.  I also think the piles thing looks promising, but I wonder how long it will take me to get it into my workflow, or even if I will be able too.  I only have 2 macs and have to use a PC.  The PC will not have this and so it may be hard for me to fit it into my computing workflow.  So far I am pretty good and doing things only the mac can do and then doing them half as good in RH9 and Windows 2000.


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"Piles" in Panther
« Reply #11 on: 21 April 2003, 00:52 »
Apple does indeed have the [patent|trademark] on this fancy little UI widget, and I think it'd be a great innovation to add to the OS. No doubt other companies would steal it, but then again nobody else has jacked Column View (potentially the most useful method to navigate anything) yet.


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"Piles" in Panther
« Reply #12 on: 21 April 2003, 01:18 »
Piles look cool, and I agree that it's only really useful for organizing small groups of files.

Originally posted by Ravuya:
Apple does indeed have the [patent|trademark] on this fancy little UI widget, and I think it'd be a great innovation to add to the OS. No doubt other companies would steal it, but then again nobody else has jacked Column View (potentially the most useful method to navigate anything) yet.

Maybe in the next Windows version...or the one after that. I'm sure something similar will pop up.


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"Piles" in Panther
« Reply #13 on: 21 April 2003, 03:50 »
<RANDOM THOUGHT>Hey, Microsoft should make a combination of a computer and a console and call it XP-Box. HAHAHAHAHA</RANDOM THOUGHT>


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"Piles" in Panther
« Reply #14 on: 21 April 2003, 16:19 »
what's wrong with them only being able to use it?

they could charge people to use it. This would help the mac community get more money.

No offence but you both need to stop blind mac worship.  Xerox or whoever came up with the first GUI.  Does this mean noone else should be able to have a GUI?  The first web browser was on a NeXT computer I belive so no other OS bar NeXT can have a web browser?  Only the first OS to have a start bar can use a start bar?  Only the first OS to be "plug and play" can be plug and play?  Bullshit.  When an idea is important enough then it needs to be used to the advantage of all, not just Apple - the consumers are the ones who need to benefit not the corporate elite.  It would also be wrong for Mac to charge for this concepts use - that money will end up being taken from the consumer and if that happens then it would just be equivalent to Mac stealing from the users whether they use Mac, Windows or Nix.  All OS's "steal" at some point from the competition and I doubt you would hold the same position if it was Apple "stealing" this idea from Microsoft.
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