wow that looks like a good concept.
couple of thoughts -
1: people on that site were talking about the OS "autosorting" a folder into relevant piles - unless this is done well it could be *very* annoying... lets just trust its done well or has an optionable toggle!
2: "large" piles will be worse, not better than folders. man i would hate looking for a file in an expanded pile of 200 or so other files... and searching or globbing wouldnt cut it in this case either - mass file management is in my opinion the one thing that cant be handled well by text (terminals/searches/globbing et al)
3: the bit about other OS's not being able to incorporate it due to its "graphical intensity."
[sarcasm]yeah. sure.[/sarcasm] i see other OS copying this concept quikly if it pulls off - as should happen for any "groundbreaking" concept... the benefits should be passed on to the users, not held in a restrictive patent. note that i dont wish the idea "stolen" off apple - other OS's must give credit to apple for the pile idea, just as apple gives credit for the khtml source etcetera. peaceful co-operation blah blah blah. i also dont want apple to "not profit" off this idea - they will get a huge head start on incorporating this into their OS's and I'm sure they'll make full advantage of this.
4: if apple sues any OS (_provided_ said OS gives credit where due) for "stealing" the piles concept then I will turn this forum into the god damn biggest anti "Apple and their lawyers" flame the world has ever seen.

then again ill trust the belief of others that apple is a good corporate citizen so this is unlikely to be necessary.
but all in all its a *fantastic* concept, and if applied well i'm sure it will help Mac OS grabbing of windoids very nicely.