My work is closing down, and selling off their accumulated computers. They're all macs from SE30s onwards. THey have one of about seven different types of macs. Basically i want to know how much i should reasonably pay for either an 8100 or a G3 iMac. So, how much? also, are they easily upgradeable? also, re: OS, will i be able to run it on either an 8100 or an iMac? and will i have to buy it or is it one of those ones that are free (what with apple's revenue being in hardware et c)?
What are your thoughts? i gather the 8100s will come with system 7 and the iMacs will probably come with OS9.
What's the verdict? I swing more in the way of the 8100, but is it worth it or will it become obsolete soon, and can i upgrade it if it does?