Author Topic: Changing IP using old MacOS on a Sun network...  (Read 957 times)


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Changing IP using old MacOS on a Sun network...
« on: 18 June 2002, 19:52 »
I am on a SunOS network here at work, whose main terminal machines are windows NT/2000, however i am connected to this network via a mac running OS9.1.

I know my IP address, but i want to change it. How can i? is there a way? or will i need to contact the administrator?
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Gooseberry Clock

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Changing IP using old MacOS on a Sun network...
« Reply #1 on: 18 June 2002, 21:52 »
You wanna get back on Windows BBS? Then simply delete the cookie and create a new account. It is a vBulletin after all.

[ June 18, 2002: Message edited by: * Red Ranger Software * ]


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Changing IP using old MacOS on a Sun network...
« Reply #2 on: 18 June 2002, 23:24 »
ip, not cookie, the cookies get deleted every time i close the browser (opera or mozilla) they have banned my IP address. i haven't a clue how vBulletin works, are you saying they can't block my IP? i sincerely doubt that that's the case...
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Changing IP using old MacOS on a Sun network...
« Reply #3 on: 18 June 2002, 23:46 »
Calum, if you are on a private network (i.e. your IP address starts with 10.*.*.*, 192.168.*.*, or 172.16.*.*) then you are probably out of luck.  It would mean you are on a private network and your IP address would be translated to a public internet address at your firewall located at the edge of your private network and the internet.  The public address is the one that the BBS would have banned, and no matter what private address you change to the firewall will still use the same public address (most likely).
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Changing IP using old MacOS on a Sun network...
« Reply #4 on: 18 June 2002, 23:58 »
my IP looks like a 192.***and-so-on address from the outside, and is unchanging. Does this mean that the entire network is blocked from viewing the WindowsBBS since they have banned my IP address?
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Changing IP using old MacOS on a Sun network...
« Reply #5 on: 19 June 2002, 00:08 »
Is that 192.168.*.* or some other number in the second position?  If it's 192.168.*.* then I would have to say that is impossible.  Those addresses are not publically routable.  If it's another number like 192.120.*.* then that is a valid routable internet address.  However, if your "real" IP address is in the range of the non-routable addresses (192.168.*.*, 10.*.*.*, or 172.16.*.*) then yes, your entire network would be blocked if they blocked that one public address.  If the real address matches the address seen on the remote end, then you could change your address and bypass their block (assuming they didn't block your entire network range).
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Changing IP using old MacOS on a Sun network...
« Reply #6 on: 19 June 2002, 00:14 »
Likewise, if you have to go through a proxy to get to the internet then changing your local IP will not help.  Another way around it is to point your browser to a proxy server somewhere out on the internet.  I believe there are free ones out there.  I wouldn't know because I have several of my own proxy servers out on the internet that I use...
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