Author Topic: Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x  (Read 4170 times)


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Allright, newbie post. Nice to meet all of you. *waves*
After reading through the site, I went out and bought a copy of OS X ( well as the book "Mac OS X for Dummies".. Feel free to laugh. Loudly). I read through the book(lette?) that came with OS X and it sounded pretty easy to install. So, I wiped my computer (..the best I knew how, which was removing the company provided repair cd about halfway through its run); and attempted to install OSX with no luck. I booted to the c:/ prompt and changed directories and tried typing -every- run command I could think of ("startup", "run" so on and so forth). Making a long story short, I've tried 2 times to install OS X on my computer (a Emachines T4170 with 1.60 GHz 256MB 56k modem and a 60 GB hard drive, currently running Windows XP Home edition) with no success. I'd like to be able to just toss the computer and purchase an iBook (considering a family member is planning to buy a Mac around April first or so) but due to financial situations, that dosen't look feasable.
Anyway, sorry for making this hellishly long, does anyone here know what I did incorrectly and/or how to fix it? I'd really like to install OS X.
Thanks for your help and patronage.


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Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x
« Reply #1 on: 16 March 2003, 08:17 »
dude? wait a minute.. did you just try to install osX on a x86 pc??  :confused:


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Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x
« Reply #2 on: 16 March 2003, 08:38 »
I don't know if this thing's a x86 or not. -_- If you want, I can post the details of it.
...Lemme guess, Mac OS X won't run on a x86 machine?


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Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x
« Reply #3 on: 16 March 2003, 08:52 »
That's right.  Apple goes out of their way to make sure OS X only runs on Macs.  I suggest you use Linux instead.


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Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x
« Reply #4 on: 16 March 2003, 21:03 »
Allright, thanks for the information. Now to go look into getting a copy of Linux. (Whee!)


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Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x
« Reply #5 on: 16 March 2003, 21:19 »
I suggest going to they make the overall best distribution, especially for newbies.

[ March 16, 2003: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]


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Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x
« Reply #6 on: 16 March 2003, 21:28 »
yeah, since you already have the hardware, id suggest redhat 8. macs are expensive (but oh so worthit!!).


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Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x
« Reply #7 on: 16 March 2003, 16:24 »
At first i thought this was a joke but i wish it was that easy in trying to install OSX.

I just bought an iBook and i get the install cd's with it, i wish i could then install it on my AMD 1700...damn how i wish.

If you are getting linux get SuSE 8.2 its out next month.


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Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x
« Reply #8 on: 17 March 2003, 07:11 »
I have a bias against SuSE because version 8.0 was buggy as hell and it contains a lot of proprietary or at least non-free stuff (flash, YaST, etc.)  I don't even think it's legal to give your friends copies, but I could be wrong.  I think you can download it but not in iso format.  I'd suggest getting RedHat Linux 8.1 when it comes out and just installing a stock KDE if you don't like Redhat's build, or run GNOME 2.2 which is quite polished, if lacking in a few features.


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Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x
« Reply #9 on: 18 March 2003, 06:07 »
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
That's right.  Apple goes out of their way to make sure OS X only runs on Macs.  I suggest you use Linux instead.

Apple does not go out of their way.  Quite the contrary actually.  Have you ever heard of Marklar.  Its OSX for x86.  Its always updated right when the Mac one is updated and is finished.  Apple has not released it and probably never will.  It is just there in case PPC goes under.  And I do so hope they release it.


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Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x
« Reply #10 on: 18 March 2003, 07:36 »
They go out of their way by not releasing the source code to OSX.  I'm sorry if it offends Mac users, but Apple is just as wrong as Microsoft in this respect.


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Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x
« Reply #11 on: 18 March 2003, 07:53 »
i do agree linux user. if apple were really embracing open source, their os would be available in downloadable ISOs. i am optomistic though, i can see apple truly getting into the spirit of things and going totally open source (they would have too, if they are to keep up with linux in the next few years  :D   )


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Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x
« Reply #12 on: 18 March 2003, 08:03 »
They shouldn't necessarily provide downloadable ISOs... what they should do, though, is include an extra source CD when you buy OS X or at least mail you one if you asked for it.  You should also be able to buy an x86 version directly from them.  Look at Red Hat, they let you use their ftp and network for free and they have 270 million in the bank!  There's also yellow dog linux, which is a ppc port of RHL.


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Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x
« Reply #13 on: 18 March 2003, 20:26 »
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
They go out of their way by not releasing the source code to OSX.  I'm sorry if it offends Mac users, but Apple is just as wrong as Microsoft in this respect.

Darwin is opensource and its released for the x86 platform so the OSX kernel at least runs on x86 hardware.
Safari is opensource as well or uses elements of opensource and gives any modifications back to KHTML.
The aqua element of OSX is Apples nad its their product so they don't have to make it opensource (its not like its part of the GPL) but what they have done so far DOESN'T make them as bad as MS.  Apple have embraced amd contributed to it while MS ignores it and is activily trying to destroy it, big difference i think.

With regard to SuSE, YAST is their technology and because it is theirs it isn't open source, it things like that, that make it unaviable for download into ISO's, but you can perform a remote installation.  But you can copy it for your friends.  I think its the best for a newbie.


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Trying to install OS X on a Windows box.. having problems. x.x
« Reply #14 on: 19 March 2003, 22:17 »
Those of you wondering, I purchased a copy of Red Hat personal. Wish me luck and thanks for the advice.  