Author Topic: Oh what a terrible dream  (Read 747 times)


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Oh what a terrible dream
« on: 11 November 2002, 18:01 »
I had a horrible nightmare last night that I was using a Mac and the sickest thing is I had bought it.

edit: to give you some perspective the dream also involved beating up fat kids with propeller hats and having sex with dryads from warcraft 3...

I knew that baklava I ate last night was trouble.

[ November 11, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]


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Oh what a terrible dream
« Reply #1 on: 11 November 2002, 18:08 »
You're in denial....

You subconsciously want to go to CompUsa and buy that sweeeeeeeeeeeeet G4 with a huge flat panel monitor, and those clear applicious karmon harmon 3Pc speakers.....and that smooooooth superdrive...

but when you realize it has no floppy, it will snap you back into
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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Oh what a terrible dream
« Reply #2 on: 12 November 2002, 01:17 »
Archers are hotter than dryads


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Oh what a terrible dream
« Reply #3 on: 12 November 2002, 08:27 »
I was looking at and there was a link that said "find out what last night's strange dream means" so I clicked it and entered this in the text box:

Dear Bill Gates,

I had a dream last night that I was using a Macintosh while beating up fat kids and taking away their ice cream, after which I had sex with a dryad from a computer game.

This is their interpretation of my dream:

This is a dream of contrary. If you were deluged with or worried about paying your bills in a dream, it's a sign of future financial prosperity. But if you easily paid your bills or sent bills out to others, you will have to tighten your belt.

An imposing entrance to a building means you're feeling insecure. Do whatever is necessary to increase your feeling of security.

An atmosphere of fantasy or a fairytale-like quality to your dream is a good omen for your current endeavors.

Night is generally a prediction of delay and obstacles in your path, but the specifics of your dream are important. Moonlight, stars, or the coming dawn are all indications that the adverse aspects won't be so bad. And a sky full of stars suggests that you are about to make an interesting discovery.

If you were assaulted in a dream, you are about to receive some valuable information. Seeing others assaulted means you will have to defend an attack on your character. Be prepared.

Fat and happy! The fatter you were in your dream, the less you need to worry. Eating fat indicates luck in love. Cooking it means profits in business.

Goats are a warning to stay away from any kind of suspicious activities. If the goat chased or butted you, the message applies specifically to gambling. Don't do it.

Any dream featuring ice cream is an omen of impressive success.

If you committed adultery, be very cautious about confiding in new friends. They may not be worthy of your trust. If you resisted temptation, you are in for some discouraging, but temporary, setbacks. Adultery can also be a sign that you feel drawn to some quality that is lacking in either you or your current partnership. Perhaps you are looking to someone else for a solution you should seek through introspection.

Were you walking through the arcade or merely walking past it? If you were in the thick of things, you'll soon be faced with some tantalizing temptations. If you were just passing by, be careful not to repeat any confidences that are shared with you. If you do, you'll find your own secrets becoming common knowledge.

Funny, but pretty piss poor in terms of accuracy!


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Oh what a terrible dream
« Reply #4 on: 14 November 2002, 02:25 »
Your subconscious is telling you to buy a G4. Satisfy your subconscious or you will slowly go insane.


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Oh what a terrible dream
« Reply #5 on: 14 November 2002, 02:54 »
dreams are just your brain defragging. don't try to read anything into them. dream analyzation is a load of hokey BS that Fraud... I mean Freud cooked up.

Images in dreams don't mean a thing, never have, never will. Take them as they are. Usually humorous images that your brain produces from actual memories and bits of sensory information. Just enjoy the movies.

And don't get a G4, 'cos the PPC970 is gonna make the G4 look like the piece of Motorola shit it really is.

Edit: I doubt humans and dryads are physically compatible. Oh yeah, and archers are dead sexy.

[ November 13, 2002: Message edited by: The Jimmy James X 10.3.6 / Bob ]

Go the fuck ~


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Oh what a terrible dream
« Reply #6 on: 25 November 2002, 07:51 »
yeah, osx is awsome and the new chip that they are supposedly going to use in new macs is going to be awsome, and the only thing moterola should ever have permission to make is M68ks
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!


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Oh what a terrible dream
« Reply #7 on: 25 November 2002, 11:24 »
A dream is calls of your subconsience. That dream shows that Linux User has a problem with macs, and a bad one. He has made himself beleive that macs are gay. Its his personal choice, and he will switch when TCPA chips hit the street.