I agree with you. There was another article in the forum where an actual memeber built a G4 tower from part's he baught online.
I remember a while back reading an issue of MacAddict were this fellow built a tower out of wood ang put the Mac inside. It looked real cool, think Victorian computer.
I saw this even cooler Mod were someone built a mac into the casing of an old timie radio. That was super cool! Cuz were the speaker was was actually the CD tray. It looked real neat overal.
The problem is, that the hardware itself is scarce or expensive. Getting ahold of the correct motherboard can be a pain less you know who Apples manufacturers was.
Perhapse someone could make a Mac out of standard PC part's. That would be interesting. It's not imposible concidering that back in the days of the clones PowerComputing used standard PC parts.
[ April 01, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]