www.resexcellence.comHas an excellent article on how to change OS X's swap partition to either another drive or another partition.
OS X has continually been critsized for being somewhat sluggish or iresponsive compared to the snappy feel of older MacOS's. This has improved quite a bit with the fast apearing updates, 10.1.4 shows a deffinit speed improvement over even 10.1
But still folks complain.
I got my hands on a second HD (their going pretty cheep now adays) for video editing type stuff. And I did the swap partition thing at the beginning of the new drive.
I am plesed to report that the results are phenomenal! The speed and snappyness of the interface are noticably improved and I would recomend any OS X user do this to their copy of OS X. Even if you don't have a second HD, a swap partition on a single HD is said to boot performance as well (all beit not as dramattic as the HD set up).
Now on to Mozilla RC 1
Simply said, fast, reliable, stable. All the qurky glitches that were scatterd over the previous relese are gone. Page rendering is very fast, and it's a damn good browser overall. Best on the Mac IMHO!
ok folks, just thought Id let ya know, hope this was helpfull