Ya like I said, OSX Jagwyre is much better about it.
But a friends computer is still on 10.1.5 and it tends to slow down and lag up every once in a while. Also, I booted up photoshop or a similar app. and it asked to close some extra applications to make room in the RAM.
The thing is that her iMac is a 600Mhz G3, which is plenty to handle OSX. My mom runs it on a 333Mhz G3 and my Bro on a 233Mhz iMac! And I never get any errors of this kind on there (granted they run slower over all, but they don't hang or report memory errors). The only diffrence besides Mhz in those other machines is that both the 233 and the 333 have 256MB of RAM. And that seems to have made all the diffrence.
So that's the only reason I make that cavet. I was lucky and scored a terrific deal for a full gig of RAM when I bought my computer, so I have never EVER had to suffer anything similar to the above problems.
But from what Panos, and other tell me. Jagwyre runs fine with around 128MB, so I'm assuming Apple fixed this issue. Now i gotta convince my friend to spend the 60 bucks for Jag

[ October 02, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]