I have been using OSX for 2 years now, and it has never crashed. I have had some applications die on me, but that is no problem. Force quit the app, and restart it. Windows on the other hand, which I have been using for like 6 years, has been nothing but headaches. Linux even crashed on me, not nearly as much as windows, but far more than OSX has.
I have run OSX.1 - OSX.3 on several different configurations. A tangerine iBook ran Jaguar stable, and rather quickly. My first G4, and 800mhz system ran 10.1-10.2 just fine, no problems, and my current system, a dual 1ghz G4 runs 10.3 like a dream. I have no complaints. Unlike my water-cooled dual athlon workstation that chokes with XPpro. In fact, I have never used a stable and fast XP system. Or 2000. And lets not even get started on the 9* systems. Fucking joke.
I have done the math, and to get a comparable PC, you spend just as much, if not more money than a nice apple computer.
And I'm not axactly a new member. I am waiting for my password to be sent to me on an account I kinda fucked up. I have been waiting for like a month now. In a fit of frustration with this place, I randomized my password X11 style. However, there have been a few threads that I had to reply to too. So I registered a new account.