Author Topic: From Macman--A little history lesson  (Read 1411 times)


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From Macman--A little history lesson
« on: 27 March 2002, 21:26 »
1. I come to this forum in search of more Mac-using supporters and post a topic informing them of my website.

2. I get moderate criticism for the layout of my site and several generous offers to help out.

3. One of the criticisms leads me to make an error in hinting that M$ makes hardware. I correct myself.

4. I see a topic called "fuck mac" and become angry.

5. I write a statement telling why i hate the sort of person who said "fuck mac".

6. This is misinterpreted by everyone who, for reasons beyond me, all thought i was talking to them.

7. psyjax, Calum (did i spell it right? do i care?), and Gunosto attack me, although at first psyjax seems to want to defend me in a backhanded, derogitory sort of way, he later turns on me as well.

8. I receive a series of rude messages full of hollow insults that really dont affect me. No one else seems to mind these messages.

9. Foolishly thinking that the world was even remotely fair, I return with messages that arnt nearly as rude.

10. Everyone attacks me and now i am hated throughout these forums.

Please tell me if this is fair or not and where i went wrong. I'm a little confused by this. Try to leave out words like MacMoron, MacMonkey, fuckwit, etc. (yeah, thats the level this is at.)
"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%."


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From Macman--A little history lesson
« Reply #1 on: 27 March 2002, 10:57 »
Aw c'mon Macman.. You're taking this waaaaay too seriously.  All those guys/gals will be your best buddy tomorrow.. People do tend to over react alot here. But it's usually not long lasting (unless your name is Gooseberry Clock). I took it very easy on you. If you were an M$ fan and not a Mac fan I would have jumped all over you (just because it's the appropriate thing to do on a site with this domain name).

If you lighten up a little, I'm sure everyone else will as well. And if you open your mind a little, similar to the way you want others to open their minds things will all smooth over.  If you take more the attitude of anything other than M$ is good rather than there is no life beyond the Mac, you'll make lots of friends (even if you believe in your heart that there is no life beyond the Mac). Non-M$ people need to work together, not fight. I normally skip past the infighting, but will jump right in when it comes to bashing MS.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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From Macman--A little history lesson
« Reply #2 on: 27 March 2002, 11:15 »
8. I receive a series of rude messages full of hollow insults that really dont affect me.
If they don't affect you at all, then why do you keep bringing them up?  I, just like you, was angry over something someone said.  Or did you forget that you, yourself, resorted to name calling in your initial response?  If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

I'm pretty sure I've already explained (here and here) where you went wrong (in my opinion).  If, after reading them again, you still don't understand, then I guess you're going to have to look to someone else for the answer.  I don't know how to make it any clearer for you.  Maybe you Mac people just speak a different language than us "pc losers" . . . but I doubt that's the case since I seem to be able to understand psyjax just fine and vice versa.  Nonetheless, maybe one of you other Mac users could do me a favor and try to help Macman understand that not all pc users are "pc losers".  Please?


[ March 27, 2002: Message edited by: Gonusto ]


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From Macman--A little history lesson
« Reply #3 on: 27 March 2002, 11:27 »
Maybe VoidMain's right . . . I might've taken things a *tad* bit too seriously and for that, I apologize.  I only seem to do that when posting in forums . . . never in the real world.  Must be some ill effect of the annonymity that the Internet provides.

I used to be on the opposite extreme from you Macman.  I used to hate Macs with a passion . . . not for any particular reason though.  They were something I didn't understand and thus I avoided them.  I still have yet to use one extensively, but ever since I started coming to this site my views have changed.  Now I'm itching to get my hands on the new iMac and see if it deserves the high praise that people around here give it.

What we need to remember is that Microsoft is the enemy.  Not PCs . . . not Macs . . . Microsoft.  Hopefully one day you'll see the truth of that and be able to peacefully co-exist with us PC users.



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From Macman--A little history lesson
« Reply #4 on: 27 March 2002, 13:15 »
8. I receive a series of rude messages full of hollow insults that really dont affect me. No one else seems to mind these messages.
why might that be do you think? is it because you insult almost everybody here at a stroke, and then backtrack claiming to be everybody's best friend?

9. Foolishly thinking
or trying to
that the world was even remotely fair, I return with messages that arnt nearly as rude.
oh dear. diddums. the world is not fair. boo hoo. how old are you by the way?

10. Everyone attacks me and now i am hated throughout these forums.
oh grow up and put away the razor blades, it's not that bad, but if you expect me to be happy with you after you told me i should be run over by a bus, then you have another think coming, dickfuck.
Insults like that are way beyond friendly jibes such as the usual name calling that goes on here.

Many morons (count yrself in or out of that group as you like) make the mistake of thinking that the high name calling level here means that we somehow don't know what we are talking about. bullshit, it is all part of the banter, and if people are not mature enough to take it in the way it's intended, they usually get upset, telling the namecallers that we are the ones who should grow up. i say if you can't put up with a bit of namecalling then there's little hope for you in this world.

Now quite frankly, Macmoron (don't you love that phrase?) i couldn't give a fuck what names you call me, but unless you are a "mikie" or whatever you call it, don't bother trying to make any more enemies on this forum, you probably have enough already to be going on with.....

[Name calling included deliberately in order to seperate the adults from the children]
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From Macman--A little history lesson
« Reply #5 on: 27 March 2002, 20:40 »
Originally posted by Macman:

7. psyjax, Calum (did i spell it right? do i care?), and Gunosto attack me, although at first psyjax seems to want to defend me in a backhanded, derogitory sort of way, he later turns on me as well.

I didn't turn on you. I asked you to chill out a bit and take a look around the forums so you could understand better what people talk about here. I asked what your beef was and Calum responded up his ass. I said Nice, shit, that was funny! Lighten up... jeez.

Anyway, as has been said a billion times, PC's are not the enamy, windows is. The terms are Borg, Droid, windoze luser (note luser, that's the pun), or fucktard  :D .

Personaly, I'm not big on flaming or ignoring people, shit, I'm one of the only ones who even atempts to respond to Goosberry Clock. I'm in the forum for kicks, to read some interesting articles (Calum's flames, which I love   ), and to empart the limited knowledge I do have.

I'm not against anyone realy. As for you, ya, my offer still stands. But if you ask me you sort of did walk into the flames. If you are a Mac advocate, remeber that you win more flies with honey than with vinager.

So there ya go, hope you understand. Later!


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From Macman--A little history lesson
« Reply #6 on: 28 March 2002, 07:09 »
Well I try not to offend anyone anymore.

I used to flame all PC users and anyone who went against Macs, but I left for a while and came back, now that I'm back I am gonna try not to offend anyone, though I will defend Macs whenever they are insulted.  PC users are not to be insulted at most times, unless they insult you then have some fun and insult em back.   ;)    

But anyway if you want Macman to be nice to you be nice to him and vis versa.  

PC's aren't bad, though I would never give up my iMac for a PC, even a top of the line one, the PC running Unix, Linux or BeOS is still a PC and is not evil, I love Red Hat Linux 7.2. But I still love OS X more.  If a PC is using microsoft OS then you say it can be insulted (only to a point) , other than Win 3.1 and MSDOS those are the only two realy stable versions, those are also the two versions that have the majority of their source code stolen.  

XP vs OS X
Microsoft only made XP look like the way it is to compete with X... the two are relativly similer but I still think OS X kicks XP's arse.  

Have you seen the system requirements of XP ?? they are horrendus in comperison to X which will run quite quickly on my iMac DV 400 384MB RAM ( faster than XP would on a similer system).  In order for XP to gain acceptable performance it needs a 32MB video card, WHAT IS THAT! oh well

dont unsult others too quickly and try to have fun!!     :D     :D      :D     :D     :D
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From Macman--A little history lesson
« Reply #7 on: 28 March 2002, 13:19 »
psyjax, voidman, i forgive you and i am willing to re-examine my views on PC. Calum, I found flaws in most of your arguments, but i wont address them because im willing to give you a chance and im too lazy to go back through all your responses and poke holes in them. If you post your usual fuckwit stuff in response to this i give up trying to reason with you and i will do my best to avoid you from now on.

You guys are right, PCs are not the enemy. Microsloth and its crummy windoze are. I guess i naturally assumed that windows was automatically included in the PC package.


Calum, I'm willing to move on if you are.
"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%."


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From Macman--A little history lesson
« Reply #8 on: 28 March 2002, 13:52 »
Originally posted by Ben
But anyway if you want Macman to be nice to you be nice to him and vis versa.

I don't give a flying fuck if macman is nice to me, and he started it by insulting most of the people on this site, if you care to check it out.
welcome back Ben, looking forward to reading yr posts...
Originally posted by Macman:
psyjax, voidman, i forgive you and i am willing to re-examine my views on PC.
how benevolent, how magnanimous. hear that voidmain and psyjax? all is forgiven by the mighty macman.  
Calum, I found flaws in most of your arguments,
i told you once, but you are very slow on the uptake it seems, i am not arguing with you
but i wont address them because im willing to give you a chance and im too lazy to go back through all your responses and poke holes in them.
right, well i'll just have to take your word for it that i'm speaking shit then, eh?
Everybody's entitled to their opinion, which means that you and i can agree to disagree, if you like
If you post your usual fuckwit stuff in response to this i give up trying to reason with you and i will do my best to avoid you from now on.
right then, i'm happy with that. i've got nothing against you personally but i just reckoned that your loudmouthed entrance was a bit out of place.

When i started out on these forums, i read a lot and posted little to get an idea of everybody's character, and read all the back posts to make sure i wasn't repeating older posts. a lot of people just see the name of the page and they come along here and open their big mouths. Anyway, if you think my frankness here is fuckwitted, then good riddance to you, happy avoiding, but if you are willing to take part in a discussion of equals then welcome aboard.

You guys are right, PCs are not the enemy. Microsloth and its crummy windoze are. I guess i naturally assumed that windows was automatically included in the PC package.
most people do so you have plenty company, but then most people are fuckwits and don't do their research before they shoot their mouth off.
Still there's no shame in being wrong. I am wrong about a lot of things, and i used to be wrong about a great deal more, but i usually do try and research something these days before i comment.

Calum, I'm willing to move on if you are.

Always have been. hey, i forgive you!  ;)
i hope i don't sound condescending in this post, it's easy to do in type, but macman, so long as everybody keeps an open mind, i have no problem with them, and this includes yrself if that is what you plan to do (it looks like that is the case as you already changed yr mind publicly, which is something a lot of people can't do).

I'm not a mac user except at work, and i just got my linux OS to play with so you probably won't see a lot of posts from me in the MacOS forum. Nevertheless, welcome aboard from me, and i hope to have no hard feelings from now on...  :D
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From Macman--A little history lesson
« Reply #9 on: 29 March 2002, 00:03 »
<Sarcasm> What?  No forgiveness for me? </Sarcasm>



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From Macman--A little history lesson
« Reply #10 on: 29 March 2002, 04:19 »
11. Everyone lives happily ever after.

12. Sun Microsystems, Time Warner, and Apple launch a full assault on Microsoft HQ, reducing it to debris. The members of this forum hack into M$ computers and delete Windows for good.


"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%."


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From Macman--A little history lesson
« Reply #11 on: 29 March 2002, 04:28 »
Originally posted by Macman:
[qb]11. Everyone lives happily ever after.

12. Sun Microsystems, Time Warner, and Apple launch a full assault on Microsoft HQ, reducing it to debris. The members of this forum hack into M$ computers and delete Windows for good.


Hmmm.... ok ok.. But afterwards Apple better take out AOL Time Warner, cuz AOL sux, and Time Warners Movies and TV is horrible.

[ March 28, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

BTW Macman... your signiature PIC says Image Hosting by Tripod. I don't think it's pulling the right image off your server or if tripd even allows it. I also don't know if you see it on your side, but that's what we all see.

[ March 28, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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From Macman--A little history lesson
« Reply #12 on: 30 March 2002, 16:20 »
Yeah I saw that. The missing image was supposed to be this really annoying dancing apple, but it didnt work out.
"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%."


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From Macman--A little history lesson
« Reply #13 on: 1 April 2002, 23:31 »
Sorry to butt in - but just one question:

Whats with all the stupid, badly-drawn, pathetic images?


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From Macman--A little history lesson
« Reply #14 on: 2 April 2002, 00:15 »
What images would those be?

Direct our attention to an image please.
The only image I see is the one from Macman on Microsloth Windoze

is that what your talking about? or are you talking about Macman's website I know it has some images on it (though I haven't had the time to really look around his site)
The wave of the future is within the holo field distorted world of Apple HQ