Originally posted by Ben
But anyway if you want Macman to be nice to you be nice to him and vis versa.
I don't give a flying fuck if macman is nice to me, and he started it by insulting most of the people on this site, if you care to check it out.
welcome back Ben, looking forward to reading yr posts...
Originally posted by Macman:
psyjax, voidman, i forgive you and i am willing to re-examine my views on PC.
how benevolent, how magnanimous. hear that voidmain and psyjax? all is forgiven by the mighty macman.
Calum, I found flaws in most of your arguments,
i told you once, but you are very slow on the uptake it seems,
i am not arguing with you quote:
but i wont address them because im willing to give you a chance and im too lazy to go back through all your responses and poke holes in them.
right, well i'll just have to take your word for it that i'm speaking shit then, eh?
Everybody's entitled to their opinion, which means that you and i can agree to disagree, if you like
If you post your usual fuckwit stuff in response to this i give up trying to reason with you and i will do my best to avoid you from now on.
right then, i'm happy with that. i've got nothing against you personally but i just reckoned that your loudmouthed entrance was a bit out of place.
When i started out on these forums, i read a lot and posted little to get an idea of everybody's character, and read all the back posts to make sure i wasn't repeating older posts. a lot of people just see the name of the page and they come along here and open their big mouths. Anyway, if you think my frankness here is fuckwitted, then good riddance to you, happy avoiding, but if you are willing to take part in a discussion of equals then welcome aboard.
You guys are right, PCs are not the enemy. Microsloth and its crummy windoze are. I guess i naturally assumed that windows was automatically included in the PC package.
most people do so you have plenty company, but then most people are fuckwits and don't do their research before they shoot their mouth off.
Still there's no shame in being wrong. I am wrong about a lot of things, and i used to be wrong about a great deal more, but i usually do try and research something these days before i comment.
Calum, I'm willing to move on if you are.
Always have been. hey, i forgive you!
i hope i don't sound condescending in this post, it's easy to do in type, but macman, so long as everybody keeps an open mind, i have no problem with them, and this includes yrself if that is what you plan to do (it looks like that is the case as you already changed yr mind publicly, which is something a lot of people can't do).
I'm not a mac user except at work, and i just got my linux OS to play with so you probably won't see a lot of posts from me in the MacOS forum. Nevertheless, welcome aboard from me, and i hope to have no hard feelings from now on...