Author Topic: Yet another mac question: Dual or Single?  (Read 1008 times)


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Yet another mac question: Dual or Single?
« on: 2 March 2003, 08:23 »
Ok I can only spend 1500$, so I either have to get a  dual 867 mhz or single 1ghz. Which one would you reccomend?

[ March 01, 2003: Message edited by: MacBling ]

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Yet another mac question: Dual or Single?
« Reply #1 on: 2 March 2003, 08:54 »
Looking at the specs of both those machines, I would go with the Dual 867 for Maximum CPU power, they both seem to have equal or nearly equal video cards.  The only thing that would stop me from buying the dual cpu is If I was going to use OS 9.  I would then go with the Gig CPU.  OS 9 doesn't support Symmetric Multiprocessing like OSX does.  This means that OSX will use both processors to maximize speed, in 9 a programs has to be built to support 2 cpu's.  In X it is done automatically.  The Dual CPU also really helps in games in OSX.  The dualy is noticably faster,  I've used both of those computers before, the dual 867 screams.

[ March 01, 2003: Message edited by: Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain ]


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Yet another mac question: Dual or Single?
« Reply #2 on: 2 March 2003, 08:57 »
whats the real advantage of having a dual drive? is it something you could fix by adding a different motherboard in the future?

[MOD NOTE: I think he means dual CPU folks.]

[ March 02, 2003: Message edited by: psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax ]

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Yet another mac question: Dual or Single?
« Reply #3 on: 2 March 2003, 19:59 »
Having dual processors speeds OSX up tremendously as it divides applications and OS functions up between processors. You wont suffer lags or slowdowns as you do when running a single proc. Both computers are very fast, and depending on what you are doing, they should both suit your needs more than adequately, with that in mind, the dual 867 is likely cheeper, and deffinetly a better buy than the single gig.

EDIT: Once I looked at the systems you linked to I noticed that the gig was labled as having an OSX boot up, if this is the case, that means that this is one of the new Macs that CANT boot classic. Fuck that! Stick with the 867.

Classic is still a usefull OS nomatter what crapple says.

[ March 02, 2003: Message edited by: psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax ]



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Yet another mac question: Dual or Single?
« Reply #4 on: 2 March 2003, 23:06 »
Honestly, I have absolutly no interest in OS 9. Sorry, just nothing I want to do with it.
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Yet another mac question: Dual or Single?
« Reply #5 on: 3 March 2003, 02:34 »
I agree with psyjax and I'd go for the dual proc one if I were you, should you decide either to use OS 9 along with OS X or not.   ;)


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Yet another mac question: Dual or Single?
« Reply #6 on: 3 March 2003, 03:24 »
looks like I found my computer solution then
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Yet another mac question: Dual or Single?
« Reply #7 on: 3 March 2003, 06:46 »
I notice you always talk about swapping mobos... that's just not feasible with Macs. However, swapping the processor card IS, no need to change boards.

There was an upgrade from the 603s and 604s to G3s and G4s. There might be an upgrade from G3 and G4 to the 970 (but that's highly doubtful, it's probably going to be too different).

Mainboard swaps with Macs is so cost prohibitive, you might as well get a new machine. Remember, they're not like peecees. They're more like specialized workstations: integrated, customized, and wierd.
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