A base insecurity? Maybe it's that every home version of Windows, XP or not, is essentially based off of the old clunky DOS-Shell concept... makes for security issues too (truncated file names like IMPORT~1, etc cause holes in IIS that let you access files that you shouldn't) that really can't be patched properly without a complete overhaul.
I think they're just a bit more scared of trying something new and getting labelled by the other bigots and flamers out there (Linux==Geek, Mac==Nongamer, etc), or even worse, not being able to play Counter-Strike, which seems to be the rotten game that most Windows lamers I've met spend their time on.
The reason why all of us users of non-microsoft platforms are so elitist when it comes to this kind of thing is that their users are so ignorant and so biased against other platforms, despite never trying them in the first place - or even worse, assuming that nothing other than Windows has games and coming here and dropping homophobic slurs and flames.
With an enemy like that, how can you not want to attack their users directly? Maybe this is what is at the root of all trolls..
I think we should all take a step back and take a look at how much flaming and trolling we've been doing lately. Or we could increase the bigotry and ignorance and maybe, hell, we could start a holy war against the users of Windows.