Author Topic: What is Mac OS X?  (Read 813 times)


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What is Mac OS X?
« on: 8 January 2004, 07:03 »
An excellent exhaustive document about the technical aspects of OS X I have found on Slashdot:


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What is Mac OS X?
« Reply #1 on: 8 January 2004, 08:11 »
Yep. This is just about the clearest, most objective and most unbiased detailed analysis on OS X I have read so far.

The issue with OS X is that, oh well, it has many issues :-D The fact remains though that it is an Operating System that offers some very important qualities:

1) The provision of a high-quality development environment

2) An excellent working environment. Centralized, coherent and interoperable, something which no other Operating System has managed so far

3) Eventhough subjective, a fine-looking window manager and desktop environment, which above all is easy to use!

4) Advanced stability through the use of technologies rarely found in other Operating Systems, such as the excellent blending of the Mach mikrokernel and the FreeBSD subsystem, the use of Quicktime and more

For more info, you are encouraged to read that article. It is a must-have for anyone, whether a Macintosh owner or any other computer user. Simply excellent ;)


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What is Mac OS X?
« Reply #2 on: 8 January 2004, 08:17 »
I thought that it was a very good breakdown of OSX. I think I will send the link to all of my windows freinds who swear Macs suck but have never used one...


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What is Mac OS X?
« Reply #3 on: 13 January 2004, 02:17 »
I'm starting to like Macs more these days.

I HATED System 7. Ugh.  But OSX seems really's a UNIX, it's got good desktop graphics (something Microshaft knows nothing about), and...other stuff.  : doh:  It's kinda like what Linux is wanting to be (but without the open-ness).

Except...there's one thing I can't stand about the Mac OS, and never could.  That menu bar, integrated onto the top.  When I went to a Mac elementary school, it confused like, everyone.  And I still don't like it, even though I understand it.

[ January 12, 2004: Message edited by: WMD ]

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