Author Topic: Are games where it's at?  (Read 1203 times)


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Are games where it's at?
« on: 29 March 2002, 11:19 »
It seems to me that the majority of us computer nerds are into two things:  productivity (word processing/spreadsheet, game programming, graphics development, audio/visual arts, ect ect) and playing video games.

Now, I think that Apple/Mac has the first of the two in the bag.  In many photoshop, bryce, and illustrator tests I think that Apple/Mac has the edge.  I also think this becasue there are so many professionals that use Macs.

I've also noticed that Apple doesn't quite seem to advertise themselfs as a gameing machine.  I know they don't exactly consider themslevs a gaming company, but if Apple advertized themselfs as one what do you think the affects be?  I'm definately not an advertising agent, but would slogans such as "Burn your CD's and Enemies" or "Work hard, play hard" sell more macs?  Do you guys/gals think that more people (or, at least us computing geeks) would consider macs becasue of this?

Also, many of my Linux friends seem to make a hobby out of ordering a computer part by part and assembling it themselfs.  I think I would like to do this and if Apple sold a G4 tower with only a power supply and let people build their own compter they would sell a ton!

Well enough of my ideas, what do other people think?



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Are games where it's at?
« Reply #1 on: 14 April 2002, 21:40 »
I don't think it would help. The amount of propaganda out against the Mac (pigeonholing it as a graphics box, for example) would effectively negate anything Apple would churn out for a pro-Mac gaming campaign.

I rarely play games on my workstation, and when I do, they're usually several years old (because I'd rather spend my cash on something that'll help me to finish work faster) or freeware (a stunning lack of which is present on the Winders platform)

Yeah, I'd like to build a G4 by myself too. Mai Logic ( sells custom G4-based motherboards. Because of their lack of Mac ROM, you can't run OS 9 on it (some people are busy trying to figure out if Mac OS X will run, Darwin certainmly will).


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Are games where it's at?
« Reply #2 on: 14 April 2002, 23:40 »
Apple has been doing alot lately to support game makers and luer them over to the Mac. As a result lots more top title PC games are being ported over in record times (tho there still are a few that take forever, Icewind Dale, Throne of Bhaal  :(  ).

Many games are coming out in dual release, before, or shortly after their PC counterparts, so it's not as bad as it used to be.

As far as getting OS X to work without the ROM. It should. OS X dosn't need the ROM at all as all of it's components are pure software, it even bypasses the Firmware. This is true of New World machines at the least considering that Old World G3's actually require OS 9 to be on the system for OS X to run. At lest that is my understanding.


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Are games where it's at?
« Reply #3 on: 15 April 2002, 18:33 »
Originally posted by psyjax:
As far as getting OS X to work without the ROM. It should. OS X dosn't need the ROM at all as all of it's components are pure software, it even bypasses the Firmware. This is true of New World machines at the least considering that Old World G3's actually require OS 9 to be on the system for OS X to run. At lest that is my understanding.

Yeah, so it should theoretically run, because I know they run LinuxPPC and such. And OS X has that layers-of-abstraction feature which allows it to run hardware-independent... which is how I can bootstrap it on my 604.