Author Topic: Is OSX better than XP?  (Read 3192 times)


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #15 on: 24 April 2002, 08:56 »
Originally posted by psyjax:
Well first off, if it looks anything like that screen I can see where you get your impresion      :D    

But seriously, that looks nothing like Aqua, it's an aproximation, not the real thing.

Furthermore it's everything combined, not just the buttons or the way windows look (which to be honest I could do without the red yellow green buttons and some of the other goofier things) but the ebb and flow of the interface.

Once you get used to it, it realy does seem to live up to it's name. It feels like your swimming thrugh it. I don't know how to describe it, but it's real cool, imersive, fun, and fast!

If you ever get a newer Mac down the line, or get a chance to give one a serious go, you will see what I'm talking about.

There are free programms that change the look of the interface, notably there is Duality 3. It has this one theme calld Aluminum that rocks, I would post an image, but I have no server.

Also, the interface is real hackable if you know what you are doing. I mean you can make it do realy wierd stuff. If you checkout

you'll see what I mean.

I know the layout of MacOSX is different than Windows, I was saying that I don't like the bright colors of Aqua(If the colors of the real Aqua are like the colors of that VS). I considered getting a Mac with a G4 in it even though I was very dis-satisfied with the old IMac w/a G3 running OS 9 that I bought a while back. The main reason I was dis-satisfied with that machine was because the thing would randomly freeze for no reason and no matter how many times I cleanly installed OS9 it would still freeze. I even tried replacing the RAM in the thing to no avail.

On top of the freezing, that machine also crashed alot(around 2-3 times in the period of a few hours of use) but the Pentium III machine running Windows 2000 that I had at the time never crashed. My first real experience with a Mac pretty much detoured me away from Macs because I felt I paid way too much for an inferior machine. I don't know if newer Macs have less problems but I may find out soon if I do indeed break down and buy another Mac. Hell, I would rather build my own Mac, but Apple pretty much prevents that because you can't go around and buy parts for a Mac without buying from Apple(which in the end costs more to build your own than to buy a pre-built machine). I have a question. Is the new IMac a decent machine for running OSX with no errors, speed problems or crashes?

[ April 24, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #16 on: 24 April 2002, 21:22 »
Ya man I hear you, I had a revision A iMac 233Mhz, and it was no end of trouble. Ironicalt my bro. baught the same computer at the same time and he never had many problems with it at all. I just dont think they make computers, Mac or Otherise, like they used to.

The most well build machine I have ever run was an old Centris 650, thing never gave me problems. Also I had a 486 on Win32 (which I think was actually a prety neat OS, it was actually somewhat origional) which hardly ever gave me problems. I think as things get more complicated and technology gets cheeper, standards loosen up.

Alot of the crashes and stuff realy results from OS 9. No matter how you slice it, Classic MacOS was pretty crash prone, and I think OS 9 was one of the worst. I actually found 8.5 and the 7's to be more stable.

None the less, when running the Classic OS, it is possible to get thing realy stable if you tweek it up enugh. You gotta get the memory settings and extensions set up just right, and once you got it streamlined your set to go. So you can get it running very stable with a good effort.

Whatever, that's in the past. My dual 800Mhz G4 running OS X kicks ass   :D  .

As far as OS X, I gave my bro. my old iMac 233 and he installed OS X on it and while it is kind of slow (resizing is kinda choppy, scaling effects slugish, etc.) it is totaly usable and stable. He's running a web server off of it and it hasn't crashed yet. That's been up since Christmas so I would say an iMac (even a first generation one) can handle OS X   :D  .

OS X, is a phenomenon on to itself. The thing can't be crashed, if it can I have yet to see it. I have seen it kind of do a freeze thing when you really fuck up, or behave eraticaly at times, but these things correct themselves and are a rare occurance (I caused most of the errors tinkering with the OS and programming).

I have not used the new iMac's, but I imagine they will be just as stable considering that they are running newer hardware created to take advantage of the OS's power.

If you only wan't to play with the OS, perhapse you may want to buy an iMac DV or one of the last series of iMac's. Any G3 and above will run OS X flawlessly (not counting the beige G3's and some choppyness on older machines). Give it a go, it's pretty fantastic stuff!


I found the theme!

AlumiteX- I belive it's called. It looks great! Notice the Luna Theme as well, tho I don't know why anywone would want tor un that  ;)

[ April 24, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #17 on: 5 May 2002, 12:36 »
Windows XP was only created to look like it could compete with OS X. This is a true sign that Billyboy is getting worried. Sorry to say it, but M$'s scheme succeeded. To WinXP supporters: YOU PATHETIC SAPS LAPPED IT RIGHT UP AGAIN!!! NICE JOB! YOUR IGNORANCE AND STUPIDITY HAVE BEEN TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF AGAIN!


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #18 on: 5 May 2002, 12:41 »
Originally posted by Macman:
Windows XP was only created to look like it could compete with OS X. This is a true sign that Billyboy is getting worried. Sorry to say it, but M$'s scheme succeeded. To WinXP supporters: YOU PATHETIC SAPS LAPPED IT RIGHT UP AGAIN!!! NICE JOB! YOUR IGNORANCE AND STUPIDITY HAVE BEEN TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF AGAIN!

Err... that was just a Theme Macman  

But ya, alot of Win XP (including the name) seems to have been in direct anticipation of Apple's offering. As usual M$ can't come up with their own ideas so they take someone elses.

Welcome back... I see you are no longer pissed.


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #19 on: 6 May 2002, 13:33 »
There is something I don't get. Some people claim that Aqua is such a great looking GUI, blah, blah. Well, I decided to try an Aqua Visual Style on XP today and personally I think Aqua is way too bright. It hurts my eyes..and I also think that the buttons look as cartoony as Luna(I do not like Luna one bit). My question is, what is so great about Aqua? I don't see anything special about it.

I'll give credit where credit is due. I do like the OSX icons. I like them so much that I'm actually going to use them with a more professional looking Visual Style(like Blackcomb Pro v.1.1)

A screenshot of the Aqua XP Visual Style.

[ April 23, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

My god! What have they done?! XP should stick with its own crappy visuals rather than steal OS X's! RRGGGHHH!!! That makes me so mad to see that! Isn't it because of those skins that was shut down? please don't tell me there are others making skins like that!


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #20 on: 6 May 2002, 14:30 »
Originally posted by Macman:

My god! What have they done?! XP should stick with its own crappy visuals rather than steal OS X's! RRGGGHHH!!! That makes me so mad to see that! Isn't it because of those skins that was shut down? please don't tell me there are others making skins like that!

As far as I'm concerned, Apple can keep thier bright, crappy look. The OSX theme is nothing compared to what some people do to thier desktops. This is a PC running Windows XP..but it has been modified to look exactly like OSX.

*Yes that IS Windows XP*

Lets not forget to mention that the Ye Ol' Mac  Faithfuls decided to copy Luna from Windows XP. ;P

At least they didn't copy the Olive Green/Homestead Luna theme...the coloring in it is terrible if you ask me.

(EDIT) has never been shut down for distributing Aqua skins....come to think of it doesn't distribute any skins and they have never been shut down. I have mentioned a few of the places that have been harassed by Apple because of Aqua skins. Only a monopoly would harass the little people over something like a Visual Style(yes Apple is a monopoly in it's own little way)...Microsoft doesn't even go around harassing people for making Luna skins for OSX. Come to think of it, Microsoft didn't harass TGTSoft for modifying Windows Xp's theme file uxtheme.dll. Of course Microsoft is a much more successful company than Apple. Microsoft is way beyond wasting time piddling with little shit like Visual Styles.

A person has the right to make thier OS look however they want it to look. Apple is just a little tiddlywinks company who has relativatley no marketshare at all so they have to make thier money by suing other companies who dominate them and the little people who actually take interest in Apple's stuff(like Aqua). Shame on you Apple.

[ May 06, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #21 on: 6 May 2002, 21:21 »
Well, there Zombie7845484521684 those are some right inflamatory remarks.

Do they make OmniWeb for PC?

Well, they don't        That picture also shows that the computer is running grab, and the icons are scalable  beyond the 64x64 limit that XP imposes. I belive that image was a fake. The first image tho, is a skin.

Jurneying to the root of his site (aparantly no index page) he has several images of him doing what seems to be creating an OS X skin. Likely the one in the obviouly fake picture (b).

We see him comparing elemnts of the real OS X to ones he is editing. Do to the titles of the images I belive he is comparing picture a to picture b.

He has done a good job, but still no Aqua.

As far as copying GUI's, hasn't M$ made a habit of this all their life? Apple should be suing them!

None the less, Apple is within their perfect legal right to stop people copying their stuff. They made it, it's theirs, the own it. If M$ did the same thing to teh Luna themes, It might suck, but it's their right.


"Apple is just a little tiddlywinks company who has relativatley no marketshare at all so they have to make thier money by suing other companies who dominate them and the little people who actually take interest in Apple's stuff(like Aqua). Shame on you Apple."


Uhu.... sure. That's why Apple has more HARD CASH in the bank than Microsoft. Is the only computer manufatureer to turn up profitable the last three quarters in a row. Has the state of Main purchasing the largest disbersal of personal computers in history. Has THE most popular personal computer on the market for somthing like 3 years in a row (that is single Model (consider the billions of PC clones)).

Apple's OS X has quickly become THE most popular UNIX based platform in existance. G4's are being rapidly accepted by the science industry for their powerful, high performance, vectorized processing. G4's replaced NT Boxes in several Milittary instalations because they found NT was not secure enugh!

NASA have been purchasing Mac's for years. Did you know that the Mars Rover was run of of a PPC running linux?

When the Gov. proposed that NASA switch to PC the scientists that used Mac's protested and won!

Apple, is still the industry leader in Graphic Design, Music, and the Film industry.

Yep, Small Potatoes they are.


[ May 06, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #22 on: 6 May 2002, 21:41 »
Originally posted by psyjax:
Well, there Zombie7845484521684 those are some right inflamatory remarks.

Do they make OmniWeb for PC?

Well, they don't             That picture also shows that the computer is running grab, and the icons are scalable  beyond the 64x64 limit that XP imposes. I belive that image was a fake. The first image tho, is a skin.

Jurneying to the root of his site (aparantly no index page) he has several images of him doing what seems to be creating an OS X skin. Likely the one in the obviouly fake picture (b).

We see him comparing elemnts of the real OS X to ones he is editing. Do to the titles of the images I belive he is comparing picture a to picture b.

He has done a good job, but still no Aqua.

As far as copying GUI's, hasn't M$ made a habit of this all their life? Apple should be suing them!

None the less, Apple is within their perfect legal right to stop people copying their stuff. They made it, it's theirs, the own it. If M$ did the same thing to teh Luna themes, It might suck, but it's their right.

Ehh, that picture is about as fake as this one.

They are not using the Microsoft Start Menu as a Dock siree, they are using a PC program to make an Aqua Dock bar in Windows(hence why they are able to use large icons). I believe the program is called AquaDock PC or something like that. In the first set of pics the guy is using these programs to make his PC desktop look they way it does.

WinMac 4.52
Desktop X
Windows FX
Glass 2K
QCD Media Player
Aqua Finder
About This Mac

As for the Microsoft stole GUI comment of yours...that is completely false. The Windows GUI is nothing like and never has been anything like MacOS's GUI. Both Microsoft and Apple borrowed the GUI idea from Xerox pal. ;P

As for the Omniweb question..I have no idea because I don't use OmniWeb. For all I know he may have found a way to rename the titlebar in his main browser.

(EDIT)If a person can make his Windows desktop just like OSX, why should he/she go buy a Mac(since they seem to love OSX and Aqua)? Modifying Windows gives a person the best of both worlds, you get the look of OSX with the broad range of hardware compatibility, the huge library of apps and games of Windows.

P.S. I bet the Windows box runs faster providing it has an Intel Pentium III/Pentium 4/Celemine or an AMD Athlon/Duron with a modern GFX card that features a GPU, a decent amount of Ram and an ATA-100/ATA133 hard drive (EDIT)

[ May 06, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #23 on: 6 May 2002, 23:54 »
Ok Zombie874987654

Let's take these one at a time.

I will now proceed to prove that the image labeld b, is genuine OSX and why all of the others are sucky skins.

First, let's start with your most recent submission:

Notice that the dock has no devision for Drives and DA's . On a real OSX dock there would be such a division to the left of the garbage can. Also, note the small little Start menu icons bellow the dock. Clearly not OSX.

Look thrughout the system and notice the hard edges around the windows were OSX's PDF base would have anti-ailiased everything. An easer way to note the lack of Anti-Aliasing is in the text, which is just plain ugly.

The window in the background, while it's menubar is made transparent still retains active window characteristics for the scroll bar and other controls.

Note the menu bar within the window.

There is a big ugly arrow where the apple menu should be. The apple is in the wrong place.

It looks shitty overal. Pin-striping is to contraty.

I submit this picture as the real thing:

Notice the correct divion bar in the dock, where his hard disk, home directory, and trash are located.

Note that the application being used to capture the screen is none other than Grab. A utility included with OS X for just such a task. It is active, 6th icon from the bottim. Correctly active mind you, with an arrow.

The webbrowser being run, is indeed the legit OmniWeb browser. Note the active arrow next to it's icon. The correct name display on the menu par, and no "windows with in windwos" throwbacks.

Further, the menu bar's top right has the display select icon, modem connect icon, and battery life icon. This is deffinetly a screen from a power book, that is pluged in to the wall.

As far as I know, Windows has no built in laptop battery messuring utility that is on live display in a menu bar. Windows never had this capability (at least up till 98), which is why most PC laptops carry the power readout on the phisical unit.

We also note the british flag in the menubar. It is the localization selector. To my knoledge windows has never had real time locolization selection like the MacOS.

The hardrive on the desktop is scaled up to 128x128 in real time scaling (mote the two other slightly smaller network drives). XP has no realtime scaleing.

Note the font's thruought the system are anti-aliased. The network drives bear the correct icons, and one is clearly an alias to an iDisk. The other a drive shared with an XP machine.

This leads to my origional hypthasis that the creator of these images was comparing and contrasting this picture, with his creation in the following image:

This is why this one is clearly fake:

Note the dock, it has no division. All of the icons are transparent, where as the real OSX reserves transparent icons for hiden applications.

The alias for iTunes in the dock, has a windows shortcut arrow instead of an Apple aliase arrow.

There are shadows under the icons in the dock, non-existant in the real OSX.

There are no arrows under active applications (iTunes or whatever is skined up to look like it, QCD I guess)

The home icone is used for My Computer. Pure BS, as the harddrive would maintain that possition on the right of the screen.

The network drive icon, is an iDisk icon. etc. etc. etc.

Further proof that the creator of these images is mearly comparing:

here you can read a post being made by the creator of these images explaining what he is up to. Also note what the hacked up OmniWeb looks like as well as the tell tell signs that this is not OS X.

As far as stealing GUI's:

That is the real history. M$ are a bunch of theeving bastards wether you like it or not.

As far as why someone would choose a Mac over a PC:

I think Mac's are better computers. They run great, are speedy, and have an excellent OS that is so Good, people seem to be going to extreem mesures to copy it        

Even the Mac Luna theme isnt as comprehensive as some of the ones you have posted atempt to be.

Mac OS is UNIX based, and talk all you want about NT or whatever, you can't beat UNIX that's a fact.

Programs written for G4's run better than their PC counterparts. I'm a graphics guy and Photoshop is way better on a Mac.

Productivity on a Mac is fantastic.

Mac's are truely easy to use but are backed with power that rivals any windoze OS.

Say whatver you want about processors. My Mac runs faster than any clunking windoze box. It looks a whole lot sexyer too     ;)    

Show me the program that has 2Ghz required on the box, and I'll show you a need for a personal computer that goes faster than 450Mhz. Honestly, who cares about obsceen speed, when usability is the prime factor. And OSX has it in spades.

None the less. The G4 proccessor has proved time and time again, that vectorized apps run amazingly fast.

Oh yeah, BTW, in case you didn't know. Speed and performance actually depend on what program you are running! I have seen 100Mhz UNIX machines doing things a 500Mhz windoze box could only dream about.

Finaly, the Mac is not ownd by some 3rd rate, backstabing, money grubing, monopolistic, company, hell bent on takeing over the world.

Say all you want about Apple would be a monopoly if not for M$. But Apple has and does support open source, MP3, internet radio, and all the other things computer users value that M$ would rather have squashed in the name of the almighty dollar.


BTW, I'm scoring a cheep ass PC off a friend. An AMD 1200Mhz. He paid, about $300 for it in an auction. So he's giving it to me for about $150.

So now I can take advantage of the "broad range of sotware" or whatever    

Actually, Im just gonna load it up with all of the Baldurs Gate games and let it sit on my desk as my game consol, as that seems to be what evryone insists these machines are good for   :D  

I'll do my REAL computing on OS X.

[ May 06, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #24 on: 7 May 2002, 18:44 »
Gotta butt in here:
Windows XP is 10 times more reliable than Windows 98

Guess they picked a pretty low bar and didn't exactly clear it...


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #25 on: 9 May 2002, 12:52 »
As a computer architect, I am absolutely APPALLED, that anyone would claim that PC hardware is better than RISC hardware. I am sorry, but that isnt so.

Put two and two together, the x86 instruction has been around since 1979, when CPUs were primarily stack and accumulator designs (holy fuck!)! Youd have to be insane to think that the x86 is superior. Why the hell isnt a 2Ghz P4 blowing the doors off a 1 Ghz G4 even with a superior memory subsystem (gotta hand it to the x86 camp there)? Simple, because the x86 architecture requires more instructions, more cycles per instruction, and more memory space to do the same thing. This is why the Mac can get away with 133Mhz SDRAM and still make the PC look bad.

Its utter bullshit that people claim Windows boxes   as high flyers. AMD has kept the x86 camp sane, otherwise we could kiss the x86 architecture away (they have empty cycles in the P4 pipeline, simply so that certain parts of the chip can catch up, really). This kind of mass markety buzzword architecting is what killed that Alpha, which in its current iteration at 833Mhz/66Mhz ECCSDRAM still shells everything except a Power4 out there.

Let me get this straight, someone is claiming that Windows heavy applications and better at multitasking that much lighterweight POSIX threads?  Get your head examined.

Interfaces may be duplicated, blatantly copied etc, but it still doesnt cover up an OS that has remained distinct simply to claim money off ridiculous patents. If M$ made a POSIX system, it might have been decent, but this "New Technology" crap is too much. Go away M$, please, you degrade our progress (and take intel with you).
Xbox must die.
MacOSX rox.


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #26 on: 9 May 2002, 13:02 »
I like you so Much right now NJDevils  :D



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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #27 on: 9 May 2002, 13:19 »
Originally posted by psyjax:
I like you so Much right now NJDevils   :D  

Uh-oh. This is getting weird... (:
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...

The Czar

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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #28 on: 3 June 2002, 05:22 »
Does anyone know where I can get these skins for XP? Unfortunately, I have to use XP daily, and this would make it a little easier to handle.

If Windows XP is really superior, then why does this site exist?