Author Topic: Is OSX better than XP?  (Read 3227 times)


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Is OSX better than XP?
« on: 20 April 2002, 11:28 »
Well, I got fucked up in an argument against a WinXP user. Once you get past that whole stability thing (which he claims his box is), what can you do in MacOSX that you cannot do in WinXP (and 2000 if it is that different).

I dont know enough about windows to do a comparison. I talked about nicing processes, the OSX interface (which some filthy scumbag has copied and made for windows), scripting, and some network services, but it seems you can do all those things in windows.

What can OSX do that XP users cannot do?
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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #1 on: 20 April 2002, 12:15 »
Well for a start you can run any Applications designed for BSD UNIX and also the Operating System is much more secure that Windows XP
And OS X doesnt send your information back to there HQ (unless you use IE) and OS X isnt owned by a shitty NAZI company called Microsoft. Theres a start!


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #2 on: 20 April 2002, 12:32 »
OS X is based in BSD UNIX, meaning you would have to take a sledgehammer to the computer to make it crash. The OS X skin for windoze is not OS X. I have a windoze XP theme for OS X does that make it XP?

You can do anything you want on any computer, that is not the issue. The issue is which computer can do it better. OS X wins hands down.

Graphics Apps on OS X are incredible, Memory management rocks, the interface is fantastic and you glide thrugh it seemlessly unlike the ploding pace of using any windoze OS. Hardware software integration are top notch, you don't ever have the problem of the OS not having a clue what bit of hardware you are using.

I can boot up the terminal and access darwin, can you access DOS in Xpee?

I can set up printers, networks, remote access, etc. Compleatly seemlessy with PC's and Mac's in mearly seconds. Case in point, a LAN party over here tried to set up an NT box as their main game server, they ended up opting for a G4 running OSX cuz it didn't give them as much truble and setup was so much more straight forward.

Applications writen for the system are incrediby stable and fast and piss all over their PC counterparts, and as X11 mentioned, it's not affiliated with Nazisoft.

[ April 20, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #3 on: 20 April 2002, 13:29 »
Heres you a nice little read. It is a OSX vs. XP Deathmatch. As you can see, XP can actually do more out of the box than OSX.


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #4 on: 20 April 2002, 16:21 »
Zombie, i seemingly are mistifyed by you...
Why do you like Microsoft


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #5 on: 20 April 2002, 16:42 »
Im just reading that article, on the table it has webserver.
Why does a webserver need a GUI?

It says XP supports Dos....
Barely.. its emulated and slower then an 286
with a core voltage leek


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #6 on: 20 April 2002, 18:54 »
Originally posted by X11:
Zombie, i seemingly are mistifyed by you...
Why do you like Microsoft

I don't like Microsoft the company, but I do like thier products. DOS emulation in XP isn't so slow if you disable "Fast ROM Emulation" and "Dynamic memory allocation". Also, for most DOS programs you need to go to the memory settings and set the maximum memory values for XMS, EMS, DPMI and conventional memory. IF you know how to configure stuff in XP stuff don't run all that bad.


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #7 on: 20 April 2002, 19:08 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

I don't like Microsoft the company, but I do like thier products. DOS emulation in XP isn't so slow if you disable "Fast ROM Emulation" and "Dynamic memory allocation". Also, for most DOS programs you need to go to the memory settings and set the maximum memory values for XMS, EMS, DPMI and conventional memory. IF you know how to configure stuff in XP stuff don't run all that bad.

Well its good you dont like "The company" i do SEMILIKE one of there products and thats NT 3.5, its the last good thing they made  


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #8 on: 20 April 2002, 23:22 »
Huh? Who cares about alot of this crap:

Support for built in floppy drives - I havent used a floppy disk in years... plus, I know for a fact, that attaching any of the USB external floppy drives and load it on to the computer, I have seen it done.

SCSI device support - Again, Apple is pushing this stuff in to outdated technology, Firewire is faster and dosn't run in to SCSI conflicts.

Support for tape drives - huh? Does anyone use a tape drive for home computer use?!

Play DVDs - This article's info on DVDs is outdated considering that the latest version of OS X fixed most bugs with DVD's.

Uninstallation service for installed programs - this is hoot! They give this a negative as if it were actually a problem like in windoze where a billion files are tossed about willy nilli thrugh the system. Many installers on OSX have an uninstall feture, but most programs are gone when you dump their folder, so who cares?

Automatic cleanup/removal of temp files - OS X uses a swap partition like most *NIX variant's. This should have recived an n/a.

Web server - can't beat apache, sorry IIS  :D .

Whatever, I personaly don't find OS X to be that slugish. If you do, there are tons of 3rd party stuff to speed it up unlike the article would have you belive. Shadow remover is one that comes quickly to mind.

None the less, unlike windoze XP OS X is going in a totaly new direction. You know, that word "inovation" that M$ likes to toss about, it's quirks are fine with me cuz I know that 10.2 is gonna be a total freakin trip when it comes out. LoEndMac made a good comparison, right now were we are with OSX is where Mac was in MacOS 3.

In the end I think it's still more user friendly and stable than any windoze box.

[ April 20, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #9 on: 21 April 2002, 03:23 »
brag about multiprocessing,
Remember OSX has symmetric multiprocessing (both CPU's shared)

Windows XP Pro has parallel Multiprocessing, (uses one CPU for Windows and the other for Apps)

Then  brag how you can run something that takes up 100% of the CPU and still use the system like that 100% CPU process is not hapening

Hell burning 16x on my Windows Machine slowed it to a crawl because it took most of my CPU

Another tip, shove a bunch of techy terms in his face like BSD Unix, SMB/CIFS, SMP, TCP/IP, WedDAV, etc.

Good Luck


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #10 on: 21 April 2002, 14:33 »
I am beginning to think that perhaps it is because I have become so used to the OSX interface now, that I find it more browsable than windows (but I must admit, I use to be a PC booster and an MS slave).

While the underpinnings between the two operating system are different, I cant come up with too many  things that one OS can do that the other is without capability.

My list is short: multitasking in OSX blows away windows, the stability is probably better (I havent crashed the XP box yet, but it has been infected with a few viruses), open-source apps can be compiled and used, and applescript studio (unbelieveable job there).

Windows XP you have to admit has backwards compatibility if nothing else. Ancient peripherals still work on it. I cant even use the OSX dvd player because my apple HW decoder kit for my PBG3 is unsupported.
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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #11 on: 21 April 2002, 20:52 »
Thats the thing tho. OS X is constantly being worked on, and Apple is doinga bang up job squashing bugs left and right. I mean look at OS X 10.0 and now look at 10.1.4 ( a year later ) and tell me that this operating system hasn't been growing and developing dramatically?

How long did it take M$ to fix all the windows 95 bugs??? I'll tell you, when 98 came out nearly 4 years later! And the system stull had bugs.

I say OS X is going to be incredible after 10.2 when all of the missing OS 9 functions are brought back.

[ April 21, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #12 on: 24 April 2002, 07:17 »
There is something I don't get. Some people claim that Aqua is such a great looking GUI, blah, blah. Well, I decided to try an Aqua Visual Style on XP today and personally I think Aqua is way too bright. It hurts my eyes..and I also think that the buttons look as cartoony as Luna(I do not like Luna one bit). My question is, what is so great about Aqua? I don't see anything special about it.

I'll give credit where credit is due. I do like the OSX icons. I like them so much that I'm actually going to use them with a more professional looking Visual Style(like Blackcomb Pro v.1.1)

A screenshot of the Aqua XP Visual Style.

[ April 23, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #13 on: 24 April 2002, 07:41 »
Well first off, if it looks anything like that screen I can see where you get your impresion  :D

But seriously, that looks nothing like Aqua, it's an aproximation, not the real thing.

Furthermore it's everything combined, not just the buttons or the way windows look (which to be honest I could do without the red yellow green buttons and some of the other goofier things) but the ebb and flow of the interface.

Once you get used to it, it realy does seem to live up to it's name. It feels like your swimming thrugh it. I don't know how to describe it, but it's real cool, imersive, fun, and fast!

If you ever get a newer Mac down the line, or get a chance to give one a serious go, you will see what I'm talking about.

There are free programms that change the look of the interface, notably there is Duality 3. It has this one theme calld Aluminum that rocks, I would post an image, but I have no server.

Also, the interface is real hackable if you know what you are doing. I mean you can make it do realy wierd stuff. If you checkout

you'll see what I mean.


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Is OSX better than XP?
« Reply #14 on: 24 April 2002, 08:45 »
Originally posted by Billy Gates:
Hell burning 16x on my Windows Machine slowed it to a crawl because it took most of my CPU
Good Luck

You must have a slow CPU or you didn't have Multi-Word DMA/UDMA IDE capable drivers installed on your system.

When I have my burner in PIO mode 4 it uses alot of my CPU cycles and it slows the system down quite a bit, but when I put my burner in Multi-Word DMA Mode 2 it barley uses any of my CPU cycles and it does not slow my system down at all when I burn(even at max speed...24x). If my burner supported ATA-33 or ATA-66 it would use even less CPU cycles.

If your CD-ROM doesn't support UDMA it will support MW DMA. Right now I'm willing to bet your drive is running in PIO mode, you really should check into that and get it set properly.  You can't blame Windows for a users lack of hardware configuration knowledge.

[ April 24, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]