Author Topic: totaly non-biased review of the iMac  (Read 2355 times)


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totaly non-biased review of the iMac
« Reply #15 on: 25 September 2002, 21:43 »
Hey fet101,

Umm.. your sig graphic doesn't work.
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!

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totaly non-biased review of the iMac
« Reply #16 on: 25 September 2002, 19:35 »
its because there is a space in the URL for the pic.
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totaly non-biased review of the iMac
« Reply #17 on: 25 September 2002, 20:45 »
back to the article. what a m00ron she is (to use a term someone applied to me on this board last year)!  

alarm bells rung when she said that windows explorer was the equivalent to Macintosh HD. How? one is a hard drive with a MACOSX file system on, and the other is a poor excuse for a file browser that adds extra security holes, sorry 'enhanced functionality' to your 'operating system'.

second issue i have is this. She goes on all article about how the mac is great, then flags up the completely justified 'no floppy drive and only one mouse button' thing, (personally i think a lot of people do not get a mac purely because of these two reasons), but then:  
The iMac comes with some highly touted multimedia software. That wasn't important to me — I used the iMac as a business computer. There is a great deal of multimedia software available for Windows, too. I doubt that the iMac software is a great advantage.

Why? so you are saying that you didn't give a shit about how well the mac handles multimedia stuff despite the fact that that is what it is most used for in a commercial environment? plus, i think your business somment is ridiculous. it implies that people who create multimedia do not do so as part of a business. I don't think i have ever heard of or seen a design office where they run on windows machines. They usually have one windows macine there, but it is more often than not a Pentium133 which is never switched on.
The bottom line
So, if you're struggling with Windows and you think that an iMac will allow you to focus more on your business and not on computer issues, should you switch? I vote no.

now this is ludicrous. a page and a half of 'this mac is great, it's so easy, everything was easy to set up, and then the summation says it's not worth it?!?!? STUPID!!! YOU SO STUPID!!!!

she never even bothered to mention the stability issues...
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totaly non-biased review of the iMac
« Reply #18 on: 25 September 2002, 20:49 »
ps: re fett's signature, check out he/she has some excellent fluffy equipment there! well done, fett! oddly though, meatsig doesn't appear to be in there in any way!   :eek:
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totaly non-biased review of the iMac
« Reply #19 on: 26 September 2002, 00:37 »
I bet all that fluffy equipment would light on fir very nicely.
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totaly non-biased review of the iMac
« Reply #20 on: 30 September 2002, 21:16 »
Don't go lighting any of my stuff on fir. That's mean. And my sig should be fixed now. Worked in all other forums with a space in there. Must be that dern Linux    

Oh, and something you can't see in those pics. His eyes have red led's in them. The right side is power, and the left is HD access.  

[ September 30, 2002: Message edited by: fett101 ]