Author Topic: Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!  (Read 3979 times)


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #1 on: 26 March 2003, 02:42 »
Intel is faster ha ha ha!


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #2 on: 26 March 2003, 02:49 »
ehh. i guess this means i should get a pc and run windows  :rolleyes:


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #3 on: 26 March 2003, 03:28 »
Originally posted by ecsyle_one:
ehh. i guess this means i should get a pc and run windows   :rolleyes:  

Ya, because Linux doesn't have big name apps, like Photoshop, Flash MX, Dreamweaver MX, MS Office, or IE

Not that I like IE, just Linux aint got it.
Oh, lets not forget how difficult Linux is to use and change compared to Windows and the Mac.

I know PC's are faster, my 1.7 GHz Athlon blows my 733 PowerMac out of the water (and cost about half the price).  But OSX is so insanely great, it is worth the extra money and the performance hit.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #4 on: 26 March 2003, 03:38 »
My prediction: Red Hat Linux 10 will be better than Mac OS 10.

Oh, and Windows and Mac OS are the proprietary OSes that can't be changed, not Linux, what are you thinking.

Why use flash when you can use Moho (  They have a linux version.

Why use dreamweaver when you can use vim and Mozilla composer, or Quanta ( which will soon have WYSIWYG abilities due to khtml.

Why use Photoshop when you can use Gimp?  Unless you're some huge photoshop pro, there is no reason. Name one thing you do in Photoshop that gimp can't do.

Why use MS Office when you can use Evolution and Openoffice, or KOffice/KMail


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #5 on: 26 March 2003, 03:44 »
Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain:

Ya, because Linux doesn't have big name apps, like Photoshop, Flash MX, Dreamweaver MX, MS Office, or IE

Not that I like IE, just Linux aint got it.
Oh, lets not forget how difficult Linux is to use and change compared to Windows and the Mac.

I know PC's are faster, my 1.7 GHz Athlon blows my 733 PowerMac out of the water (and cost about half the price).  But OSX is so insanely great, it is worth the extra money and the performance hit.

well. linux really isnt that hard (it is still hard though) to use. and we really do not need those "Big" name apps. we especially do not need ms office of IE. as soon as linux picks up on the desktop, you can be sure that adobe & macromedia will write native apps for it. shit, osX is unix, and we have those apps. so its only a matter of time. i do like photoshop over gimp though. so i welcome photoshop on linux. i wouldnt even mind Studio MX  ;)

my dual athlon 1.2ghz w/1gig ddr does not compare to my dual 1ghz g4 w/512. my mac smokes it, so for me, the upgrade was worth it. and the money i spent would have been the same had i decided to get a new pc instead.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #6 on: 26 March 2003, 04:19 »
1) RH 10.0 will be better than OS 10, but by that time, I'm sure Apple will create something extremly cool (and by that time, I'll have a mac!).

2) Because more people use Flash than Moho by an insane amount of people.

3) How can you even BEGIN to compare Dreamweaver to Vim (not WYSIWYG), Mozilla Composer--a silly, worthless toy when it comes to real web work, Quanta, which is not a WYSIWYG, or to a non-existent product?

4) Because I know how to use Photoshop and the UI is much friendlier IMHO.

5) Agreed, except MS Office is still better than (aside from al lthe security holes and that god damn clippy).


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #7 on: 26 March 2003, 04:45 »
I didn't know Mozilla composer was silly -- I've never laughed when using it.  What do you mean by "real" web work?  As opposed to unreal web work?  What other type is there?

By the way, Moz composer + vi can be very powerful if you're not an HTML n00b  Moz can be used to "flesh out" a webpage and then refined in vi.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #8 on: 26 March 2003, 05:11 »
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
I didn't know Mozilla composer was silly -- I've never laughed when using it.  What do you mean by "real" web work?  As opposed to unreal web work?  What other type is there?

By the way, Moz composer + vi can be very powerful if you're not an HTML n00b  Moz can be used to "flesh out" a webpage and then refined in vi.

Dreamweaver is an app that can do everything, I don't know how to use 90% of the stuff in it.  Mozilla Composer is for people that want to build their first web page.  Dreamweaver is for building an enterprise size web site and managing it.  Along with all of the things in that site, JSP, PHP, Java, Javascript, etc ,etc.  I am, however, trying to do my site only with plain text.  I think, though, I will make my site with dreamweaver, then fix it up in TextEdit.

Photoshop is much easier to use than the GIMP.  Don't even know what MOHO is, don't even want to know.  If it is like how Adobe tried to make an swf maker, it is probably terrible.

What is wrong with proprietary software?  it is often better than Free Software.  Its not like people shun proprierary cars or cpu's or stereos or tv's or light bulbs.  Should we avoid those too?


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #9 on: 26 March 2003, 05:37 »
Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain:

What is wrong with proprietary software?  it is often better than Free Software.  Its not like people shun proprierary cars or cpu's or stereos or tv's or light bulbs.  Should we avoid those too?

!!!! You shouldn't have said that to him! He has the damn FSF in his sig! You are in for a RANT, my lad!

I sense RMS quotes.
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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #10 on: 26 March 2003, 07:00 »
Proprietary software, by definition, can never be better than free software because it is socially oppressive.  We shouldn't just all throw up our hands and switch to proprietary software just because some of it is technically superior.  Imagine if the early pioneers of free software had thought that, why, we'd have nothing but proprietary software!  The solution is to build a free replacement for that software.  If your job demands Photoshop or other non-free software, then I say stick with it of course, but for 90% of users having something like Dreamweaver is really pointless.  The only non-free software I have on my computer are the drivers for my nVidia card and Warcraft III -- and with games I don't consider it particularly useful to have access to the source code, and even if War3 was freely distributable you need a unique Cd key to play it on  I guess that's rationalizing the situation but I think games should be considered differently than other kinds software.

So rant all you want about how great your proprietary software is, but all your'e doing is helping rich men build walls between computer users.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #11 on: 26 March 2003, 07:16 »
what did I tell you?   ;)
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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #12 on: 26 March 2003, 07:41 »
i like osX more than any other os i have used. therefor i use it. im not going to get rid of it becuase its proprietary. i will use the tools that can get the work done in the least amount of time, and retain a level of quality i demand of myself. sorry that mozilla composer does not do that. nor does gimp.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #13 on: 26 March 2003, 07:55 »
But can you at least admit that free software would do the job for most people?  Not everyone needs the advanced features in Photoshop that Gimp doesn't have.  Imagine what kind of free software we'd have if the public and corporations had donated all the money they've spent on Photoshop/3ds max/Flash/etc. to free software projects like Gimp.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #14 on: 26 March 2003, 08:05 »
that would be nice, but its not the world we live in. it will take time to get there. most of those apps would suffice, but not for me im sorry to say. someday/