Author Topic: Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!  (Read 3981 times)


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #15 on: 26 March 2003, 08:22 »
Originally posted by Windows XP Hater #2874586:
what did I tell you?    ;)  

You were right....

So rant all you want about how great your proprietary software is, but all your'e doing is helping rich men build walls between computer us

I don't see how it seperates users.  I see it the opposite.  With proprietary software everyone has the same version, everyone can do the same things, variation is almost non existant.  With Free Software, you can change it and make it do things that the standard distrobution couldn't do.  Thus making your friends who have the same software incapable of doing the same things that you do with it.
And your right, free software is good for the bottom sonsumer who does not make money off of advanced expensive software.  But then another problem arises.  Free software is programmed by, usually smart, linux geekos.  Thus making the product, usually, have a totally unintutive interface for the basic user, so that this user can not easily use it.  Like the GIMP for instance.  I had to look at that thing for at least an hour to figure it out.  That hour was with years of Photoshop experience already behind me, imagine a user with no digital image experience jumping into the GIMP.  Also, the basic user will most likely have problems compiling software.

In my opinion, Proprietary software helps everyone, except the people that for one reason or another expect everything to be free.  I really hate that.  Like with this Music "Sharing" thing.  Your not fucking sharing, your stealing.  Another thing that seems kind of a not so strange coincidence, is that most free software is a copy of some sort of proprietary software.  Sure, some of it worked the other way around, but not much.  And most of the free software is not an exact copy with more features, it is a semi-copy, with less features.

I think I'm done, but I can't rule the possibility of saying more, out.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #16 on: 26 March 2003, 21:02 »
One word...


How can someone be so inane, I mean really!

I don't see how it seperates users. I see it the opposite. With proprietary software everyone has the same version, everyone can do the same things, variation is almost non existant.

No everyone doesn't have "the same vision."  First of all, with proprietary software the vision of the users is left out, and they have no say.  It's a software dictatorship.  We can have standards and freedom with free software, this binary world of "nazi software lockdown" or "splintered BSD fragmentation" is completely separated from reality.  Just look at Xfree86,, and the Linux kernel.  There are people who end up having a say what goes into the official version of each major free software project.  But I could download the Linux source code, fork it, and make my own kernel!  Sure there are literally dozens of distributions of Linux, but that's what freedom is all about.  You are free to create, even if you want to break standards to do so.  Truly a boon to innovation.


With Free Software, you can change it and make it do things that the standard distrobution couldn't do. Thus making your friends who have the same software incapable of doing the same things that you do with it.

What does this mean?  If I created some custom distro that did something fancy, what would stop me from giving it to my friends?  And even if I didn't, that would still make it more free than proprietary software, where nobody but the software owner can make changes.

And your right, free software is good for the bottom sonsumer who does not make money off of advanced expensive software. But then another problem arises. Free software is programmed by, usually smart, linux geekos. Thus making the product, usually, have a totally unintutive interface for the basic user, so that this user can not easily use it.

Have you used KDE 3.1?  Go download Mandrake Linux 9.1 right now.

That hour was with years of Photoshop experience already behind me, imagine a user with no digital image experience jumping into the GIMP.

years of photoshop experience

You see, you think photoshop is easier because you've been trained to use it from the start.
When I got heavily into Gimp I used it for quite a long time and came back to Photoshop one day and realized I liked the Gimp better.  None of the shortcuts and commands I used in Gimp worked in Photoshop.  At that point Photoshop was the hard to learn, unfamiliar program, not Gimp.  It's all about what you were used to.

Also, the basic user will most likely have problems compiling software.

Who says they ever have to?

In my opinion, Proprietary software helps everyone, except the people that for one reason or another expect everything to be free.

Wrong.  Proprietary software helps the software owners who use the threat of force to lord over the mere "consumers" of software.  Everyone's a consumer in this system, something to be exploited.  The software owners are the only benefactors, and use copyright to divide, dominate, and mistreat the public.

And the "free" I'm talking about refers to freedom, not price.  Please read this page:

I really hate that. Like with this Music "Sharing" thing. Your not fucking sharing, your stealing.

How exactly am I stealing?  If you want to know what I really hate, it's when media companies and others try to apply our ideas and intuitions about whether it is right to take an object away from someone else and try to apply it to merely making a copy of something.  If I make a sandwich, I do object if you eat it, because then I cannot eat it.  But if I sell you a program I shouldn't have the power to tell you what you can and can't do with it, including making a copy and sharing it with your friends.  No one should have that power.

I suppose if one day we have star-trek like machines that let people copy objects like food and computers you would support oppressive and greedy companies and people who try to restrict the copying in the name of profit, because that's exactly what they do in this country with published information.  They mistreat the public and deny them their freedom to copy and share, all in the name of the almighty dollar.

Another thing that seems kind of a not so strange coincidence, is that most free software is a copy of some sort of proprietary software. Sure, some of it worked the other way around, but not much. And most of the free software is not an exact copy with more features, it is a semi-copy, with less features.

Well, a lot of it [end user software] is designed to replace a specific piece of proprietary software, so naturally it's designed to behave in a similar fashion.  Since when was it a crime to do this?

[ March 26, 2003: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #17 on: 26 March 2003, 10:12 »
i absolutely love the idea of Free Software. with proprietary software, i am forced to create based on what adobe et al defince as the boundries. sorta sucks, but i deal with it (and create some nice work  ;)  ). now, with something like the gimp. shit man. in a few years, photoshop will be based on it. there is no denying it. look at netscape  :D  . look at macOS  :D    :D  . but... right now, work sorta keeps me with adobe/macromedia/discreet. i do have chances to play with "alternatives", but have found them to be cumbersome and not very "intuitive". mozillas composer is fine for some quick html, but come one. i am an artist, not a programmer. i do not have time to really learn it to actually hand code it. i shoud focus on the design & style. adobes & macromedias software let me do just that. soon though, free software will be at the level i need it at. well, free graphics software anyways. so far, everything else has smoked proprietary software. linux OS r0x0rz  ;)  , Evolution r0x0rz  :D  , motha-fuckin mozilla?? kicks ass. i could go on & on... you get my point. free software will rule the world. just not yet....


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #18 on: 26 March 2003, 17:23 »
With proprietary software everyone has the same version, everyone can do the same things, variation is almost non existant.

We are all one.  Choice and variation must be destroyed... btw does anyone here think racism would be destroyed with one big white spraycan?  Difference is good, difference is choice, free software is choice.  Free softare is not just choice and freedom its the ability to improve something that you actually own, as compared to "renting" propietary software, which you cant even examine for yourself.  Sure macs are good for what they do, (im using mac os x to write this - im in a public lab and Im not touching those windows boxes) but they're hardly a "serious" machine at anything else butbeing a desktop box... we have zero macs in our computer science labs... all solaris and linux boxes because linux *IS* a better power users OS.  Also re : the "an editor isnt good unless its WYSIWIG... I'm editing eiffel programs in emacs and I know eiffel far better than someone who would use an IDE for the same task. Theres nothing "bad" about non wysiwig environments, they're just not user friendly.  Still at least Apple isn't Microsoft... (but its still not Linux!)
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #19 on: 26 March 2003, 17:49 »
They're just sore over this:

"Okamoto was previously vice president of Product Management and Marketing for graphics products at Adobe Systems, where he was responsible for the worldwide marketing and management of many award-winning products including Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects."

Anyway the graphs are all fucked up.

The graph is made to look like a minute has 100 seconds, not 60. The Dell, at 54 seconds, would be at around 0.9 on a 60 second per minute graph, but is instead made to have an even shorter bar by using a minute with 100 seconds.

True, the raw numbers are the same, but the whole point of graphs is a quick visual representation. Manipulating scale is a VERY old trick for skewing perception.

How very Microsoftian of them. Shame on Adobe.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #20 on: 26 March 2003, 18:15 »
Originally posted by ecsyle_one:
free software will rule the world. just not yet....

Most likely true, when they get better UI and easier installations, etc, etc.  I just hope I'm retired before this happens because I plan on making money by selling proprietary software.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #21 on: 26 March 2003, 18:42 »
Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain:

Most likely true, when they get better UI and easier installations, etc, etc.  I just hope I'm retired before this happens because I plan on making money by selling proprietary software.

Why don't you get a job at IBM then you can make  lots of  money writing free software.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #22 on: 27 March 2003, 04:59 »
Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!

I Say: Go To Hell, Adobe!!!


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #23 on: 27 March 2003, 06:22 »
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:

Why don't you get a job at IBM then you can make  lots of  money writing free software.

I was thinking about this Free Speech not Free Beer.  Which means I could sell the software correct?  Then I could allow you to change the code, the only problem is distributing it freely.  Because, basically that means I would sell one copy, and no one else would buy it.  I don't see the point, Free Speech not Free Beer.  But with Free Software everyone gets it free except for the very first person to purchase it, correct.  Or do I have some information wrong?


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #24 on: 27 March 2003, 06:43 »
The English word "free" is a confusing word because it can have two meanings:  "free" as in freedom (free speech) and "free" as in no cost (free beer)

Free software is about giving everyone the freedom to study, change, and distribute copies of software.  You may still sell free software, although the price usually isn't huge like proprietary software because there is no copyright monopoly.  Look at Red Hat, they sell GPL software combined with support services for thousands of dollars.  But you have the freedom to take the program and give it to your friends, or to study the source code or teach people with it.  I payed 80 bucks for my copy of red hat linux 7, which is all free software.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #25 on: 28 March 2003, 03:25 »
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
The English word "free" is a confusing word because it can have two meanings:  "free" as in freedom (free speech) and "free" as in no cost (free beer)

Free software is about giving everyone the freedom to study, change, and distribute copies of software.  You may still sell free software, although the price usually isn't huge like proprietary software because there is no copyright monopoly.  Look at Red Hat, they sell GPL software combined with support services for thousands of dollars.  But you have the freedom to take the program and give it to your friends, or to study the source code or teach people with it.  I payed 80 bucks for my copy of red hat linux 7, which is all free software.

Ok, thx for confirming the exactly what I said.  Only one copy gets purchased, the first one, then all the others are given out because you have the freedom to do so.  RedHat sells tech support, and so to get that tech support you have to pay the $70 bucks or whatever.  But if you want to sell software, it is impossible.  You will only be able to sell it to one person, and then the others who are too lazy to get it from other people.  So selling Free Software for profit is impossible.  Therefore Free Software seems doomed to failure, except for people that have free time to work on it.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #26 on: 28 March 2003, 03:36 »
No it's destined for immense success in my opinion.  Why do you think IBM is pouring billions of dollars into Linux development?  Proprietary software is a horse-and-buggy business model whose time has come and gone.  It's not only unethical but impractical.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #27 on: 28 March 2003, 04:23 »
Under Construction


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #28 on: 29 March 2003, 06:07 »
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
No it's destined for immense success in my opinion.  Why do you think IBM is pouring billions of dollars into Linux development?  Proprietary software is a horse-and-buggy business model whose time has come and gone.  It's not only unethical but impractical.

but you can't make money off of it, only the tech support, or service that comes with it.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #29 on: 29 March 2003, 06:37 »
That's making money off of it in my book.  Trampling people's freedom with copyright isn't the only way to profit from software.  Red Hat has 270 million dollars in the bank, where do you think that came from?