Author Topic: Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!  (Read 3980 times)


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #30 on: 29 March 2003, 19:11 »
there are many other companies with billions in the bank.  Why would someone choose 200million when the could have 5-10 billion?


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #31 on: 29 March 2003, 19:23 »
two things:

1. Because that money doesn't come from nowhere. It was taken from people.

2. Read my sig. It explains pretty much what proprietary software is about.
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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #32 on: 29 March 2003, 20:33 »
Nobody gives a fuck or


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #33 on: 29 March 2003, 21:03 »
you think you're funny but you're not

maybe I should just take out of the sig, its kinda confusing

[ March 29, 2003: Message edited by: Windows XP Hater #2874586 ]

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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #34 on: 29 March 2003, 21:42 »
Linux User: are you posting as multiple people on this forum?
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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #35 on: 29 March 2003, 22:07 »
i'm not linux user if thats what your asking him
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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #36 on: 30 March 2003, 16:52 »


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #37 on: 30 March 2003, 18:19 »
When I saw these charts and the text on Adobes site the other day, I thought to myself: How come they compare a 3.06 GHz wintel machine against a 1.25 GHz Mac? Is that the only wintel machine available to win against the Mac?

Later on I read about the software issue where a guy accused Adobe of making bloated software. All this is true but I have made one conclusion not many have made, yet. The so called significant lead over the Mac is made so in the chart to fool fools. There is no significant lead and, and, why isn
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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #38 on: 6 April 2003, 20:59 »
I would like to see a quote from someone at Intel claiming Mhz is the performace indicator between two different processor architectures...

Benchmarks are indeed for idiots, PC or Mac.

Also, did it occur to anyone that Adobe would recommend a system that would hold interest to a large majority of people?
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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #39 on: 6 April 2003, 21:57 »
Here I'll lend a interesting link about a discussion on the same theme in Mac in Touch. The people that posted has some interesting points of view about that issue...
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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #40 on: 11 April 2003, 06:27 »
I don't understand:

3gizillion GHZ Dell crap, is better that than a 1 GHZ G4!!!! somethings fucked up with that logic. So it takes 2GHZ to make it a 30 seconds seconds quicker!!! Yeah right.

As for Dreamweaver, guarantee I can hand code quicker using BBedit than Dreamweaver shit, Dreamweaver is for people that pretend to be developers. Learn how to code for christ sake! Point and click is the Microsoft way morron, you might as well use Visual Studio.
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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #41 on: 11 April 2003, 07:24 »
Originally posted by Zardoz:
I don't understand:

3gizillion GHZ Dell crap, is better that than a 1 GHZ G4!!!! somethings fucked up with that logic. So it takes 2GHZ to make it a 30 seconds seconds quicker!!! Yeah right.

As for Dreamweaver, guarantee I can hand code quicker using BBedit than Dreamweaver shit, Dreamweaver is for people that pretend to be developers. Learn how to code for christ sake! Point and click is the Microsoft way morron, you might as well use Visual Studio.

I bet you're one of those kids that think that they're elite because they can "program" in HTML.

Dreamweaver is a great product. It works very well. There's no reason to be dissing it--it create very good mark-up (nearly up to W3C standards), and it will allow you to create a great looking site in less the time it'd take to do the same site in whatever-text-editor-you-have.

In fact, I'd say that most of the time when people diss good WYSIWYG HTML editors in favor of a text edit it's because they have no experience to speak of and try to sound smart, or something.

There's nothing cool about using inferior tools just because they're "harder".


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #42 on: 11 April 2003, 15:57 »
Well, it's always better to code by hand and that's what I always do, except when it comes to tables, which I totally despise. Dreamweaver is certainly not bad, and generates pretty decent HTML code but nothing gives you more flexibility than coding by hand. And it is not inferior or harder. I would dare to say that it is superior as well as easier, when you get used to it.  


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #43 on: 11 April 2003, 17:25 »
Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain:

I was thinking about this Free Speech not Free Beer.  Which means I could sell the software correct?  Then I could allow you to change the code, the only problem is distributing it freely.  Because, basically that means I would sell one copy, and no one else would buy it.  I don't see the point, Free Speech not Free Beer.  But with Free Software everyone gets it free except for the very first person to purchase it, correct.  Or do I have some information wrong?

yes this is one hundred percent correct, and is one of the reasons that certain greedy bastards refuse to release their software under the GPL.

if you charge $6000 for your product (GPL as it may be) then you must make the source code available to anybody who buys it. However everybody who buys it and gets the code is legally allowed to sell or give the thing away (with or without modifications) for whatever price they like, so long as their customers get full source code for whatever they are buying/getting given for free too.

in effect this could mean that you'd sell a few at $6000 and everybody else would copy it, but possibly all your customers would be just as greedy and would refuse to copy it for free. sooner or later somebody will give it away for free though i think if it's under the GPL.

anyway, if you had charged $50 for it then perhaps you'd have sold a shitload more copies and made more money because people might have thought (wow! this software's worth paying for, i'll just pay for it!".

Another way is to release the program under the GPL and all the plugins you charge money for (that's a pretty obnoxious way of getting money if you ask me, but it's legal).

there are many other ways to make GPL software pay, as you can see it's quite a complex setup.
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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #44 on: 11 April 2003, 17:26 »
Originally posted by TheQuirk:


this no longer leads to any propaganda, btw.
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