Author Topic: Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!  (Read 3982 times)


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #45 on: 11 April 2003, 17:30 »
i give you a sensible answer and then i notice this schlock!
Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain:

In my opinion, Proprietary software helps everyone, except the people that for one reason or another expect everything to be free.  I really hate that.  Like with this Music "Sharing" thing.  Your not fucking sharing, your stealing.  Another thing that seems kind of a not so strange coincidence, is that most free software is a copy of some sort of proprietary software.  Sure, some of it worked the other way around, but not much.  And most of the free software is not an exact copy with more features, it is a semi-copy, with less features.

ok, well stealing is when the original owner loses something. copying music is NOT stealing. just ask the grateful dead, ambassadors of the free music concept. they legally allow you to copy and distribute all their live material so long as you respect their copyright, and don't try to make money off the deal, and so long as you don't do any of that collecting dfatabases of information off people who download mp3s of them et cetera. now that's a good attitude and all those bastards who want to screw up people who only want to share good music around (music which will never be released commercially i might add) can fuck right off.

and what is this schlock about proprietary software being better than Free software? Free software developes faster, has security flaws and bugs patched faster and is generally more stable, reliable and secure as a result.

you need to go and renew your clue licence.
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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #46 on: 11 April 2003, 17:35 »
Originally posted by Panos:
Well, it's always better to code by hand and that's what I always do, except when it comes to tables, which I totally despise. Dreamweaver is certainly not bad, and generates pretty decent HTML code but nothing gives you more flexibility than coding by hand. And it is not inferior or harder. I would dare to say that it is superior as well as easier, when you get used to it.      

again i say dreamweaver is overkill, not only that it is expensive and closed source. mozilla composer and are WYSIWYG enough for me, and should be for most.
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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #47 on: 11 April 2003, 18:02 »
Originally posted by Calum: crusader for peace & freedom:

again i say dreamweaver is overkill, not only that it is expensive and closed source. mozilla composer and are WYSIWYG enough for me, and should be for most.

I agree completely. Mozilla Composer and OpenOffic should suffice for basic as well as advanced WYSIWYG HTML editing. I don't have any doubt that you can find more advanced features in Dreamweaver or other commercial products, BUT I don't see how these cannot be learned by someone with simple practise. C'mon people, don't be lazy.   :D


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #48 on: 11 April 2003, 23:37 »
dreamweaver mx is a bad ass program. its the combination of dreamweaver and ultra dev. so i can do all of my html, php, asp, jhtml, whatever inside dreaweaver MX. with the ability to link dynamically with fireworks & flash, my graphics and layout are very easy to manage as well. i created a layout scheme in photoshop, take that into fireworks, slice it up, add some elements, export it to dreamweaver, and im done. if i change something in that fireworks file, it updates my html for me. plus, i like the file management of dreamweaver. i suppose i could do it with mozilla. but dreamweaver seems to be a better wysiwyg editor. my opinion of course. can i create a library compenent in mozilla composer that will allow me to create a base file, for the nav lets say, thst is embedded in all the other docs, so when i update it, it updates all the other html files for me? probably. but it is easy to do in dreamweaver.
whatever. i should probably embrace open source & free software a little more, but i find some apps are not replaceable just yet  ;)


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #49 on: 12 April 2003, 02:05 »
Originally posted by Zardoz:
[QB]I don't understand:

3gizillion GHZ Dell crap, is better that than a 1 GHZ G4!!!! somethings fucked up with that logic. So it takes 2GHZ to make it a 30 seconds seconds quicker!!! Yeah right.[QB]

Mac GHZ and PC GHZ are different anyway.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #50 on: 12 April 2003, 02:05 »
Originally posted by Zardoz:
[QB]I don't understand:

3gizillion GHZ Dell crap, is better that than a 1 GHZ G4!!!! somethings fucked up with that logic. So it takes 2GHZ to make it a 30 seconds seconds quicker!!! Yeah right.[QB]

Mac GHZ and PC GHZ are different anyway.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #51 on: 25 April 2003, 05:45 »
Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain:

Ya, because Linux doesn't have big name apps, like Photoshop, Flash MX, Dreamweaver MX, MS Office, or IE

bottom line is it should!
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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #52 on: 28 April 2003, 08:48 »
...and they all lived happily ever after.  of course, linux became a fatass, and windows killed itself by driving into a brick wall and apple still hadn't released the g5 yet.

but all in all, it was a happy ending.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #53 on: 28 April 2003, 08:52 »
Originally posted by Big-Mac-Maniac:
...and they all lived happily ever after.  of course, linux became a fatass, and windows killed itself by driving into a brick wall and apple still hadn't released the g5 yet.

but all in all, it was a happy ending.

I don't get it?

Linux became bloated... Windows, crashed into a brick wall.... ummmm... smiths law?.... and Apple still draged their buts on the g5?

umm maybe...

i don't get it.


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Adobe Says: Get a PC, Jerks!
« Reply #54 on: 28 April 2003, 21:18 »
lol, neva mind...i was just adding what i thought was a stupidly-funny little ditty to the end of this thread, which to me seemed like one big long bore.