Author Topic: Network bridge for OSX?  (Read 839 times)


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Network bridge for OSX?
« on: 31 March 2002, 11:57 »
I'm a network admin for a company that uses all macs...  tough job, let me tell ya  ;)

I just finished upgrading our comps to OSX.

Anyway, does anyone know of anyway to have a 'network bridge', ala windows XP?

We're gonna be opening a couple other locations around town, and I'd like to be able to make one big virtual network (for print/file sharing, etc) and have it seamless as possible... I'd hate to have to set up an XP box just for network bridging.

I can't find any info about this, thought maybe someone here would know.

Oh, and, uh, "frist prost" or something

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Network bridge for OSX?
« Reply #1 on: 31 March 2002, 23:23 »
I know it's possible because here at my school they have such a set up with the various Mac labs around campus. Coulden't tell you how, but I know they do it, keep lookin    .


On second thought:

I am not to sure about what you are up to, but you can set up a large AppleTalk network between the various computers and locations. This allows for print and file sharing and is very simple to set up and use, and with OSX's remote access you don't have to worry about being on a LAN etc.

Is that the sort of thing you are looking for?

[ March 31, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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Network bridge for OSX?
« Reply #2 on: 1 April 2002, 13:50 »
you'll have to excuse my ignorance re: appletalk, i'm a recent convert...

would it be possible to access an appletalk printer or fileserver in this scenario:

two sites... both have cable modems for internet access, with multiple macs/printers behind a router at both locations...
I imagine I'd have to turn on port forwarding... does AT use a specific port?

This is at least 4 months away so I haven't really begun looking into it...

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Network bridge for OSX?
« Reply #3 on: 1 April 2002, 22:30 »
Oh my god! You got to be kidding me                .

AppleTalk is a sinch!

Open up AppleHelp on any of your computers and look up how to set up a Network. Most of it is there! Also do a quick search on google you'll turn up alot. has a few articles on doing it.

(EDIT: You may want to skip down to Apple's official stuff at the bottom of this list, I have been reading thrugh it, and if you follow it and all the links within, I think you can get started on what you want to do)

Its super simple... hmm let me grab you some links.

here is one.

this is on firewalls, if you need one.

this is a great resource over all. Has an article on making Mac OSX into a fileserver.

Have a look in your System Prefrences and click on Sharing. You will see the FileSharing stuff there,  It's pretty cool, 'cuz you can interact with an OS 9 AppleTalk network as well as an OSX and PC network. All joined together without a hitch.

Apples official File Sharing documentation.

<b>NOTE: I think this one will be the most usefull to you.</b>

That's about it. Some of these are concerned with MacOS pre-OSX. But don't worry, the concepts are basically the same, stuff just moved around. Ill post more if I find more.

Let me know if it helped, or if you need more infor!

Oh ya. In your utilities folder check the print center.

[ April 01, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

[ April 01, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]