dreamweaver mx is a bad ass program. its the combination of dreamweaver and ultra dev. so i can do all of my html, php, asp, jhtml, whatever inside dreaweaver MX. with the ability to link dynamically with fireworks & flash, my graphics and layout are very easy to manage as well. i created a layout scheme in photoshop, take that into fireworks, slice it up, add some elements, export it to dreamweaver, and im done. if i change something in that fireworks file, it updates my html for me. plus, i like the file management of dreamweaver. i suppose i could do it with mozilla. but dreamweaver seems to be a better wysiwyg editor. my opinion of course. can i create a library compenent in mozilla composer that will allow me to create a base file, for the nav lets say, thst is embedded in all the other docs, so when i update it, it updates all the other html files for me? probably. but it is easy to do in dreamweaver.
whatever. i should probably embrace open source & free software a little more, but i find some apps are not replaceable just yet