Author Topic: how can you really compare a mac to a pc?  (Read 1789 times)


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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« on: 31 October 2003, 22:35 »
I am almost certain that macs are better, but in almost every case where they have been compared, it looks like the pc comes out on top.  Now how can that be?  How do you really compare the two to really show how the mac is superior?
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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« Reply #1 on: 31 October 2003, 22:45 »
save the penguins, bust the trusts!
"If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed... oh wait, he


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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« Reply #2 on: 31 October 2003, 23:28 »
It really depends on your point of view. I prefer a mac over a pc, mostly because of osx. And the noticable performance increases when using apps like photoshop. Even with the standard photoshop tests, some things are better on a mac, while others are better on a pc. I have always been under the impression that macs were just superior all around, and that the numbers game was just that, a game. Im not so sure anymore. I havent yet played with a g5 so i cannot judge apples newest offerings. If you trust reviews, base your opinions on them. Honestly, i cannot find one that isnt biased one way or another.

Hopefully someone with more knowledge of the hardware and how it works chimes in. They might be able to explain the differences and which one is better.


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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« Reply #3 on: 1 November 2003, 01:12 »
when it comes down to it, does a time of one SECOND matter so much either way?

the G5s get 190fps while the P4s are getting 195fps in some game

whoop dee shit. My G5 1.6 is fast enough to do what I want to do. My G4 867 wasn't that bad off, but HD performance was holding me back some, so SATA is nice.

I can record 12 tracks of real-time audio with no loss in quality, and no skipping.

I'm sure I could do this on a 2.4GHz Pentium 4 with windows 2000, as well.

why don't I? because I don't want to. I use Apple computers because I like them. I still love my iMac DV 500. my iBook 600 works great, as well. Hell, even my old 7200 finds a place!
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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« Reply #4 on: 1 November 2003, 05:20 »
The only way to really compare a Mac to a another PC is by comparing their respective designs. Most Dells and HPs/Compaqs must have been designed by blind mice. They look awful!
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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« Reply #5 on: 1 November 2003, 21:36 »
Originally posted by cahult:
The only way to really compare a Mac to a another PC is by comparing their respective designs. Most Dells and HPs/Compaqs must have been designed by blind mice. They look awful!

Because everyone knows performanc is directly related to design. Hell, I added a window and neon lights to my PC. Got twice as many frames in Half Life.


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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« Reply #6 on: 1 November 2003, 19:21 »
In all fairness Fett, it is alot nicer to work on a nice looking comp. And I can vouch that Mac's look nice    Alos, they are well put together, they never fall apart.

But I think the real determining factor is OSX. I just installed Panther, it's incredible!


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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« Reply #7 on: 1 November 2003, 21:35 »
PC's are generally faster (for the same price) as macs.  Macs are like a Mercedes Benz and PC's are like Fords or Chevys.

That is the only way I can justify spending so much on a computer (that and running OSX)


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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« Reply #8 on: 1 November 2003, 21:52 »
Macs may be good but if I had a choice I would go with a PC. Macs have come a long way from those retarded one button mouse machines but the majority of software only works for the PC.

Because It looks good doesn't jutify buying one because you can mod your PC case.


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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« Reply #9 on: 1 November 2003, 23:18 »
Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Capitalist:
PC's are generally faster (for the same price) as macs.  Macs are like a Mercedes Benz and PC's are like Fords or Chevys. OSX)

*cough* *cough* Bullshit.

Comeone now, that's a load of crap. To get a good package like you get with a G5 set up, that is a well built machine, with fast, top-of the line processors, a state of the art OS, state of the art applications, your gonna shell out as much or more than a G5.

Generally faster? I have yet to see a conclusive benchmark, and all the ones that show the G5 slower, make it only marginaly so. So don't give me that crap.

I use a PC everyday, I have an Athalon XP 2100+ , It ain't as fast as my dual 800Mhz G4, Sorry, it just isn't. And as for the "amount of software" available, I have yet to find something (save for some games) that I can't do on my mac.

PC's are generaly a hedache, Macs allways work. Spare me the BS.


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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« Reply #10 on: 2 November 2003, 03:10 »
Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:

*cough* *cough* Bullshit.

Comeone now, that's a load of crap. To get a good package like you get with a G5 set up, that is a well built machine, with fast, top-of the line processors, a state of the art OS, state of the art applications, your gonna shell out as much or more than a G5.

Generally faster? I have yet to see a conclusive benchmark, and all the ones that show the G5 slower, make it only marginaly so. So don't give me that crap.

I use a PC everyday, I have an Athalon XP 2100+ , It ain't as fast as my dual 800Mhz G4, Sorry, it just isn't. And as for the "amount of software" available, I have yet to find something (save for some games) that I can't do on my mac.

PC's are generaly a hedache, Macs allways work. Spare me the BS.

how strange, I have an Athlon XP 2100+ too.  It cost me around 500 bucks.  My 733 PowerMac G4 cost me 1200.  I guarantee that the PC does EVERYTHING faster than my 733.  Sure I like using my 733 better... in fact I hate my PC.  But for the price you get much more speed out of a PC.
On your athlon are you running XP?  That slowed my Athlon to a crawl compared to 2K.


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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« Reply #11 on: 2 November 2003, 06:01 »
Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Capitalist:

how strange, I have an Athlon XP 2100+ too.  It cost me around 500 bucks.  My 733 PowerMac G4 cost me 1200.  I guarantee that the PC does EVERYTHING faster than my 733.  Sure I like using my 733 better... in fact I hate my PC.  But for the price you get much more speed out of a PC.
On your athlon are you running XP?  That slowed my Athlon to a crawl compared to 2K.

My 2100 was 400 bucks. It's runing 2k.

My dual 800 box is runing panther. My 2100 is nice and all, it's not slow. But the dual 800 is clearly faster, and overal a more efficeint machine.

My work flows faster on it..


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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« Reply #12 on: 2 November 2003, 06:59 »
Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
My work flows faster on it..

Yes. Exactly  

Faster procs dont mean shit if the code running on it is shit. OSX is written well. Windows is not.


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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« Reply #13 on: 3 November 2003, 01:14 »
 Macs have come a long way from those retarded one button mouse machines but the majority of software only works for the PC.

wow thats a load of bull.  I have a 2 button mouse with scroll wheel running on my mac right now.  

Obviously you pretty much have no clue as to what your talking about.
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how can you really compare a mac to a pc?
« Reply #14 on: 3 November 2003, 05:26 »
Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:

My 2100 was 400 bucks. It's runing 2k.

My dual 800 box is runing panther. My 2100 is nice and all, it's not slow. But the dual 800 is clearly faster, and overal a more efficeint machine.

My work flows faster on it..

are you trying to say that your dual 800 was only 400 bucks???  I don't know what you are fighting about.  I made it clear that PC's were faster, when it comes to price to speed.  Then you fight me, then you say that your PC was 400 dollars.  The dual 800 was never less than 1500 from Apple.  Again, wut are you fighting about?