Author Topic: Monitor help  (Read 951 times)


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Monitor help
« on: 28 July 2004, 10:31 »
I wasn't sure where to post this, but i need help.

I have an old 17 inch blue and white display that i have along with me g3.  But now my monitor flickers, jitters, and sometimes slightly resizes.

I don't have anything by the monitor except the tower, i changed my surge protector, checked the wired connecting the monitor to the cpu, and i've degaussed.  Nothing seems to work.  Please please help, before my eyes go bad.     :eek:    


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Monitor help
« Reply #1 on: 28 July 2004, 10:55 »
first off...

do you keep your wireless phone near the screen? if so, move it away and see if the problems subside. If not, then it's dead. Apple's CRTs were always notoriously shitty. the slot-load iMac had their best quality display in recent years.
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Monitor help
« Reply #2 on: 28 July 2004, 11:12 »
i moved my cell phone away.  (i didn't even think of that!) Then i moved my wireless router as far away as the cords allowed me (which is only about 5 feet away).  Everything seems normal, but then it seems like it's better for awhile, around an hour or two, then it happens again.


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Monitor help
« Reply #3 on: 28 July 2004, 11:32 »
Your CRT is going bad.  It happened to me with a ten-year-old Sony set not too long ago.  Your only hope is to throw the monitor in a ditch in Buffalo and run.  Run as fast as you can!  Once a monitor goes bad, there's no saving it!

Actually, yeah, you could get the tubes replaced - or possibly spend considerably less for a new LCD screen from a local computer shop.  Unless Apple has taken steps in the past five years to make their systems mutually incompatible with other manufacturer's monitors, skip the "Apple approved" bullshit and grab a cheap LCD for a PC.

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Monitor help
« Reply #4 on: 28 July 2004, 15:16 »
Yeah, your display may be reaching its final days.

There are a few things you can try though.  First, connect it to another system and see if that makes a difference.  

Second, try moving it to another location or or plug it into different power outlet, preferably on a different circuit.

Third try to move power, or any other kinds of cables that might be causing electrical interference away from the display.  Bad shielding can occasionally make stuff like this happen.

Have you added any new appliances to your house lately?  Like an air conditioner?  Stuff that sucks a lot of energy?  That could have an effect.  You can try swapping the display's AC cord as well.

I've been battling with a 17" Trinitron I use as a secondary display on my G4 for about a month now.  It's been fine for a few days, but it has a tendency to go into these spastic moments where the brightness gets so high its flushed out, or instances where it's really dim.

I rearranged some power cables and it's been fine for a while now.  I'm thinking the DVI > VGA connector might just be shielded poorly.  I'm still not entirely sure what's going on, or if I've solved the problem.

BTW, you might want to check if that display wasn't covered by an Apple replacement program at some point.  You might be able to get it repaired for free.  Are those B&W displays ADC, DVI, or VGA?


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Monitor help
« Reply #5 on: 29 July 2004, 07:52 »
there never was a replacement program for the B&W, which is VGA. Only its direct predecessor, the AppleVision 1710AV had a replacement program.

I shouldsee if I can still get in on it with my old one :-D
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Monitor help
« Reply #6 on: 31 July 2004, 19:33 »
I'd like to thank everyone for helping me.

my monitor has been working fine now for 2 days. but i don't know why or how since i haven't had the time to try anything new to fix it.


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Monitor help
« Reply #7 on: 31 July 2004, 23:35 »
elisa, member # 8


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