Author Topic: Power Mac G5  (Read 3027 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 24 June 2003, 05:30 »
I just noticed that if you look at the bundled software, internet exploder is no longer included, they've now bundled Safari. Oh darn,   :D  . Does anyone know if Apple will also redesign the look of all of the other computers too? Last time I checked the best iBook still had a 900MHz G3. Just a rumour that probably isn't true, but I read that Apple intends to ship 3GHz processors by the end of the year. It would be amazing if it does happen.

[ June 23, 2003: Message edited by: M51DPS ]


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« Reply #16 on: 24 June 2003, 06:36 »
Steve said in the Keynotes that they would be up to 3Ghz by the end of the year.

Also, Apple never copied Xerox, Im sick of dismissing this myth. So people get it straight.

Xerox had a wierd machine that had a couple of windows a clicking device, and some buttons that did stuff. It could bearly be calld an OS, or a true GUI. Jobs liked the idea and PAID Xerox to have his poeple come over and get "inspired" by it.

XEROX AGREED! Later when the Macintosh project began, XEROX lent asistance. One of the lead Mac Designers was a dude who worked on the Xerox GUI.

So enugh of that Bullshit, Apple invented the GUI, Xerox had a vague outline for what a GUI may be like. Kinda like the Wright bros. everyone had an idea about what a plane would be like, there were many crude designs, but the Wright bros. invented the Areoplane, case closed.

Furthermore, the facility which builds the G5 is a 5 billion dollor facility opend up by a joint effort between Apple and IBM. The G5 is not a pure  Power4, it's one Apple and IBM co-engeneered. Jobs made it clear that this is a JOINT effort between IBM and Apple. Not only that, that same IBM facility produces one of the most important component to the G5 system architecture, the little chip on the mobo which basicaly rgulates all trafic (cant remember it's name     ).

In any case, again, the G5, the 64-bit processor are all apple inovations! Intel hasent even begun to consider 64-bit, the AMD 64-bit project has backward compatability issues and is not widely adopted. The G5 is fully 32-bit compatable, and recompiling for it is as simple as clicking a checkbox in XCode (which BTW was amazing     ).

So all you windoids can suck my ass! Apple Ownzz all of you HAHAHAAHAHHAAHHAHAHA!!!!

Sorry... Im extra giddy    

P.s. Also, it is important to note, that IBM now has a vested interest in Apple's success. It will be very interesting to see how their relationship developes. I don't think IBM is about to let Apple fall behind again anytime soo.

[ June 23, 2003: Message edited by: psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax ]



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« Reply #17 on: 24 June 2003, 06:38 »
Wow, hasn't even been two years since the 1 ghz came out.


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« Reply #18 on: 24 June 2003, 07:35 »
Also, Apple never copied Xerox, Im sick of dismissing this myth. So people get it straight.

No one claimed that, Psyjax. Just because Apple weren't first does not mean that they copied on Xerox (I know the story). Workbench for Amiga came after and introduced new features (although the Amiga never had a pretty interface IMO). RiscOS for Archimedes (back then called Arthur) was far from being a clone. Windows, however, was a total rip-off of the Mac interface.

As for the G5, well, OK, so it is a joint project. Thanks for reminding me. But IBM are still innovators when it comes to processors.

Oh yeah, and APPLE RULES!!!          


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« Reply #19 on: 24 June 2003, 10:00 »
What really burns me is whenever there is good news for Apple everyone seems to turn it around and make it bad news. Everyone is convinced that Apple is going to die tomorrow, and they've been convinced for years. I wonder what the bad news will be about the G5.


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« Reply #20 on: 24 June 2003, 10:58 »
Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
bearly be calld an OS

Well, I know I like bears. But what does this have to do with anything?  :confused:  

(Sorry, I just had to. I had to.)


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« Reply #21 on: 24 June 2003, 11:40 »
I'm not questioning any of the stuff Apple did, but that if Apple had not existed, there would be no personal computers in existence, and all inovation would heve been non existent on this earth. It's just a bit too... apple-centric.


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« Reply #22 on: 24 June 2003, 11:42 »
There are many innovators.  Apple is one, Microsoft is not.  But there are more innovators - if not then why does Apple now use BSD / KHTML code?  Because they saw more innovations and decided to co operate with the BSD / KHTML people in order to not only enhance their OS but enhance BSD / KHTML.  (Note that I didn't use the "copy" word here, as this is cooperation not copying.)  Apple is a company BTW, and companies do not innovate - the people they employ do.  ;)   I am sure that Apple would be nowhere if it werent for Babbage / Lovelace et al.  Shoulders of giants etcetera.

Note:  PLEASE do not take this as an anti Apple flame.  It is obvious that they make quality, innovative products, it is just that they are not the only people to do so.
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« Reply #23 on: 24 June 2003, 13:55 »
These are my predictions. At the next keynote Steve will introduce us to Panther (again, he likes to talk about software). About 45-60 minutes of praise and awe. Then he will talk about how much the digital hub has evolved since he first talked about it almost 2 years ago. Maybe iChat will become a part of iLife.

Before he leaves he will present a new Apple Cinema Display, maybe 25" and an update to the iBooks. They will be starting at 1 GHz and up to 1,3 GHz. The powerbooks in my scenario have already been updated half a month before this keynote, along with the iMacs.

How about this?
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« Reply #24 on: 24 June 2003, 23:05 »,3973,1136018,00.asp" target="_blank">Apple Benchmarketing Raises Questions


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« Reply #25 on: 24 June 2003, 23:36 »
how come apple didn't compare the G5 to a system running Itaniums?  How could the Xeon possibly be better, its no 64bits.  Kind of scary.  Apple may not be the cream of the crop, in speed anyway. (as usual)


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« Reply #26 on: 25 June 2003, 00:12 »
Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Capitalist:
how come apple didn't compare the G5 to a system running Itaniums?  How could the Xeon possibly be better, its no 64bits.  Kind of scary.  Apple may not be the cream of the crop, in speed anyway. (as usual)

Because Itaniums are not also targeted at the mainstreem, and several benchmarks and reviews have placed the Xeon at an advantage.

In otherwords, there isn't much difference between the two, and Apple was very clear that in some cases the Xeon was indeed faster, but the G5 pulled ahead overall.

That article fett101 posted.... I don't get it?

So the guy is skeptical. Shit, I saw the dual Xeon get creemed, optimization or not.

And XCode, is very inovative. The way it lets you build and fix while the application is running, and also is able to use free processor cycles on your local network. Plz... that's fucking awsome.

I have never seen a compiler that can do this.


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« Reply #27 on: 25 June 2003, 05:21 »
Here is a summarised rebuttal from the Hardware VP of Apple himself:


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« Reply #28 on: 25 June 2003, 08:42 »
Originally posted by Laukev7:
Here is a summarised rebuttal from the Hardware VP of Apple himself:

That's my story and Im sticking to it  ;)

No seriously. I can imagine Apple may have fudged the numbers a bit in their favor.. lets play the Devil's advocate, let's say, that you could tweek teh Xeons to be faster.

How much faster would they actually be? In the end, the G5 is at least as good as a top of the line Xeon. But these are just number tests... personaly I could care less weather the G5 scored 30, or a million and two.

I wan't to see real world apps. and indeed, those photoshop tests, 3d tests, and math tests were more than impresive. G5 wiped the floor withe Xeon, I don't care if the G5 ran at 8Mhz, fact is, whatever Apple voodoo they put in those things makes 'em fast, abd makes them work.

If anything, it means Apple can be viable competition once more. And with IBM with them, they can stay a contender in the Mhz race.


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« Reply #29 on: 25 June 2003, 14:35 »
BTW, Apple used Linux on the P4 and Xeon systems because windows wasn
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