Author Topic: My mouse is being a pest  (Read 1473 times)


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My mouse is being a pest
« on: 6 October 2002, 00:27 »
Okay, guys, i have a hardware problem here.
I've gone everywhere to try and figure this out, the Apple Forums included, and everywhere I've gone I've just found more confused people with the same problem.

I have been having problems with my optical Pro Mouse for about two months. It tends to stick in one place for a second and then start moving again. Recently, It has begun to freeze permanently. The only way to unfreeze it is to disconnect it and then plug it back into the keyboard again, but then it is really sluggish. The same thing has happened with the keyboard and I've had to unplug and plug it back in again too. Also, when my computer is sleeping, clicking the mouse does not wake it up. Even more shocking, a week ago I was running the Warcraft III World Editor and the mouse froze again. About a second later what I identified as Unix command lines appeared on the screen over what I was doing. I had to reboot and it has been fine since, although I haven't run the WC3 Editor yet. A couple times within the past few days the keyboard and mouse have frozen but they remain frozen despite what I do.

This is an incredibly annoying problem, especially during gameplay. Can someone tell me what to do?


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My mouse is being a pest
« Reply #1 on: 6 October 2002, 02:07 »
Have you tried the mouse on another computer?If you get the same problem, it's the mouse's fault.

Have you tried another mouse? If you get the same problem, it's the Mac's fault.

A) Have you tried the mouse in OS 9? If you get the same problem, it's the Mac Hardware's fault.

B) If it works in OS 9, it's OS X's fault and you need to get a new mouse .kext driver.


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My mouse is being a pest
« Reply #2 on: 6 October 2002, 02:51 »
I, personally never cared that awful much for the Pro Mouse. there's no good way to pick it up and move it when you're dragging (those little tabs on the side are too small for my hands)... sometimes it would start to get slightly jerky and lurck around the screen almost as if the system were too busy to track the cursor.

oh yeah, and then it broke. One of the tiny little tabs that it hinges on just snapped off. Not a bad mouse, really it felt good in my hand, but it was a bitch to keep clean (used as much windex on it as I do on my bathroom mirror) and in the end, I like my Logitech trackball better. Two buttons and a wheel... can't beat that.
Go the fuck ~


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My mouse is being a pest
« Reply #3 on: 6 October 2002, 03:07 »
Jeez Macman, never thought I'd say this, but maybe a re-install would help. Something must have somehow gotten fuked up in the system files.

Are you running your computer as root? That may be your main problem.

What version of OSX are you using?


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My mouse is being a pest
« Reply #4 on: 6 October 2002, 04:30 »
I've decided that I don't really need a mouse anyway. Sure, it takes a little longer and I can't use the dock or play games anymore, but my keyboard controls can do just fine (even though it took me an hour just to find internet explorer).

When the problem first started it was in OS 9.2 only, so after I made the permanent switch to OS X a while back things were fine until just two months ago and OS 9 was still effected a lot worse. Im using OS 10.1.5 right now. Jeez this is a pain.


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My mouse is being a pest
« Reply #5 on: 6 October 2002, 04:32 »
WOW! That has got to be the wierdest bug/malfunction whatever I have ever heard of.

Try calling Apple. Have you tried another mouse?

wow... can you pinpoint exactly when the error occurs, is it right on startup or does it crop up after you do something, like putting the computer to sleep etc.

What kind of Mac do you have, Model chip etc?


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My mouse is being a pest
« Reply #6 on: 6 October 2002, 07:39 »
Problem solved. I don't know how, but it was the mouse all along that was causing the problem. The keyboard hasn't locked up once and now I have a new mouse and its working fine. I dont know why apple doesnt just get the balls to put two buttons and rollers on their mice, but let me tell you that this new Microsoft mouse is sweet (even though it has the blue and silver windows colors).

A lot of people actually have this problem. Heres a thread where some of them have gathered.


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My mouse is being a pest
« Reply #7 on: 6 October 2002, 10:41 »
Dude, you should have gotten a Kengsingtom mouse!!

for SHAME Macman  


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My mouse is being a pest
« Reply #8 on: 7 October 2002, 10:59 »
ive always had good luck with microsoft's mice. never mind that there software sucks. but are their like any mice with more then 5 buttons/*mwheelup and mwheeldown don't count, cuase then my mouse would have like 7 buttons*/
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My mouse is being a pest
« Reply #9 on: 7 October 2002, 11:22 »
Best mouse in the Universe IMHO, is the classic Kengsington 4 button trackball. I have allways been a trackball fan, they make the best!