No sweat.
Your html and image files are saved in your angel fire FTP. If you can't get in there, you could simply select save page as source from the file menu. The same goes for your images.
Do you have an Editor like GoLive or even that crappy old Adobe PageMill they shiped with the old iMacs. That will simplify things alot. If not, I suggest you download this:
http://www.optima-system.com/pagespinner/This is an awsome shareware html editor. It makes things real easy.
Anyway, once you got all your web stuff on your harddrive, make a directory structure that mirrors that of your iDisk.
For example, I made a folder calld "psyjax" (the name of my iDisk.
Then inside there I made one Called "Sites" and another called "Pictures".
These are the two directories I use to store my HTML and images respectively.
Then you dump the HTML and images in to these two folders.
Now you bootup PageSpinner, or your fav. Text editor.
And start linking your page up. Once done, upload and Ta-DA!
Your done
It sounds more complicated than it is.
It took me less than 15 minutes to get my site up (granted it's a simple site) none the less, it's worth the trouble. It's an excellent connection and fantastic service.
Let me know!