you are obviously the most stupid person in the world. Microsoft do not allow you to run XP on anything other than intel architecture (AMD chips too, they are the same architecture), they only release binaries for the intel chips and they do not release source code so you cannot run it on anything else. tough nuts to you, dumbass.
HOWEVER, if you wanted to run XP on your mac you could, by using the method i outline above. To recapitulate for the mentally challenged among you (that's you, Jack.K), you must:
a) get linux for the powerPC for free, at no cost and without having to pay any money
b) install linux on your computer (remember you got linux in step a?)
c) install either "Wine", or "WineX" or both (they are both PROGRAMS, Jack.K, remember that now)
d) the PROGRAMS you just installed will let you run nearly everything that runs in windows XP
e) the PROGRAMS you just installed will let you run nearly everything that runs in windows XP
f) the PROGRAMS you just installed will let you run nearly everything that runs in windows XP
(just in case you didn't get it the first time.
For those of you who are a bit slow on the uptake (yes, this means you again, Jack.K), you should be told that after following these steps, you are now free to have windows versions of all your favourite Microsoft fuckware running on your Mac. Sadly, the spyware won't be as effective as on a real windows setup, and i'm afraid you will have to put up with your machine not CRASHING as often as you might be used to, but hey, we all have our private crosses to bear, don't we.
Have a nice day!
oh yes, and remember to