Author Topic: Mac Problems  (Read 1253 times)


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Mac Problems
« on: 17 May 2004, 21:54 »
I got my G5 about four months ago and since I have had it, I has completely locked up on me about 5 or so times.  WTF?  I do not know what is wrong with it.  My four year old imac never did this kind of stuff.  Also, my G5 as never had OSX crash on it(although OSX did crash on my imac a couple times in the past).  What could be going wrong?  Usually when this happens, I can not click on anything but the mouse still moves around.  I have tried waiting to see if it would "come back" but it never did.  Also, the last time this happened the monitor turned off after a minute or so.


UPDATE: I ran the disk utility and the apple hardware test and I got no errors.

[ May 17, 2004: Message edited by: Paladin9 ]

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« Reply #1 on: 17 May 2004, 23:40 »
Do you have all of the system available updates?

Try using OnyX. Under the "Automate" tab choose as many check boxes as you can (you might want to just use "Clean" for the system caches files instead of "Clear All") then press "Execute". It might take a while for it to finish.

Sometimes you can fix quirky behavior by clearing the p-ram and nv-ram. Reboot your computer and hold down the following key combination right after you hear a chime: COMMAND-OPTION-P-R and wait until until you hear the boot chime two more times. To reset nv-ram, go into open-firmware (hold down COMMAND-OPTION-O-F when booting until you get a prompt (looks like "0 >"). Type "reset-nvram", press return, type "reset-all", type return, and your computer should reboot.

The only other thing I can think of is to re-install the operating system if you get really desperate....


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« Reply #2 on: 9 June 2004, 22:35 »
I guess you'll have to tackle this by the scientific process of elimination.

Hardware - Make sure all cards and cables are properly seated, inside case and out.
Oh yeah, maybe your RAM is bad?

Software - the OS. A backup and re-install is the most obvious, but not after checking what apps you might be using when it locks up.

For this to happen on a new G5 is unacceptable, since my girlfriends iMac has been running 4 years with hardly a glitch.

[ June 09, 2004: Message edited by: cocoamix ]


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« Reply #3 on: 9 June 2004, 23:04 »
I say reinstall. Remember, OEM installs always suck ass. Apple is no different than any other OEM in this regard.

PS There's also no need to backup or initialize the drive. Just use archive and install.

[ June 09, 2004: Message edited by: JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder ]

Go the fuck ~


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« Reply #4 on: 10 June 2004, 07:24 »
well, i started this thead may 17th and I have not had any problems since.
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« Reply #5 on: 12 July 2004, 21:11 »
actually, openm the force quit dialog. it fixes it all. happens  to me too, but all it takes is three keys (then you can close the dialog, u dont have to actually quit anything. bringing it up is all it takes)


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« Reply #6 on: 14 July 2004, 05:35 »
Originally posted by jjoonathan:
actually, openm the force quit dialog. it fixes it all. happens  to me too, but all it takes is three keys (then you can close the dialog, u dont have to actually quit anything. bringing it up is all it takes)

No, no, no, no...  I am a computer technician.  I know about that!  It locks up COMPLETELY!
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