Author Topic: The oldest Mac here?  (Read 1605 times)


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The oldest Mac here?
« on: 28 March 2002, 10:14 »
Browsing away on my aging laptop, I was wondering who is using the oldest piece of Mac hardware here?

It probably is me, I am using a Powerbook G3/266, wallstreet series II design (the last wallstreet rev). Probably made in 1998. Its seen me through a lot of years, but the new designs are getting more and more appealing, and the 'book is beginning to struggle a bit, but I cant seem to bring myself to abandon it, its served me so well through the years.

Specs for those interested:

Powerbook G3/266
192 MB RAM
4 Gig HDD
RagePro ghetto graphics (but cool none theless)
10baset connection (hurts the most)
Dvd hardware decoder (yeah baby)
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The oldest Mac here?
« Reply #1 on: 28 March 2002, 10:35 »

Up untill recently i was using an iMac 233. And bfore that (i.e. before 98), I ran a Centris 650!!!

Till this day the Centris 650 was the best built most stable computer I have ever used. That underpowerd 25Mhz clunker did everything I asked with a warm smile on it's face, I swear the thing loved me. It never crashed, it was perfect.

I felt bad giving it to my Aunt when I got my new computer. So sad to see it go. Till this day I still wish I had it around....

Is it just me. Or doesn't it seem that older computers in general were better built?


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The oldest Mac here?
« Reply #2 on: 28 March 2002, 13:34 »
I think i win. Before i got this omnipotent 864 mhz G4 (which is now crap compared to the newest G4), i was using a Centris 610, which is now my secondary computer for word processing and stuff. I've also been known to use a certain performa 6115cd that sometimes shows up around my house.

Devils, I cant believe you consider that old! Anything with an i infront of it is new enough for me. You try using a Centris 610 in the 21st century.

Now that i think of it psyjax, u might be right about older macs being more stable. I cant recall my Centris crashing once (except for during the noodle incident). However, my Performa was the crash king. I think it started when i downloaded those corrupted files several years back.

Still, i wouldnt give up my G4 for anything, except maybe for a chance to hit Bill Gates with a watermelon.
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The oldest Mac here?
« Reply #3 on: 28 March 2002, 20:14 »
I have a WORKING Mac Classic that ACTUALLY connects to the internet via PPP.

Posting this message via a REALLY old copy of IE.   :D  

Do I win?

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The oldest Mac here?
« Reply #4 on: 28 March 2002, 20:47 »
i'm posting from work, and we all use G3s and G4s, mostly iMacs, but next door in our storeroom we have a multitude of macs through the ages, including a Macintosh IIcx, a Macintosh LC and a Macintosh SE/30, not to mention a good few different flavours of PowerPCs too (Quadras and so on).
I know it doesn't really count, because they're not even mine, and i'm not even using them, but they are very cool and retro et c, and they are selling them all off soon (or dumping them i suspect) so i am toying with the idea of getting one of their old macs. it might not be worth my while though, you know, i'm of two minds....
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The oldest Mac here?
« Reply #5 on: 28 March 2002, 21:07 »
Originally posted by Calum:
i'm posting from work, and we all use G3s and G4s, mostly iMacs, but next door in our storeroom we have a multitude of macs through the ages, including a Macintosh IIcx, a Macintosh LC and a Macintosh SE/30, not to mention a good few different flavours of PowerPCs too (Quadras and so on).
I know it doesn't really count, because they're not even mine, and i'm not even using them, but they are very cool and retro et c, and they are selling them all off soon (or dumping them i suspect) so i am toying with the idea of getting one of their old macs. it might not be worth my while though, you know, i'm of two minds....

If they aren't chargind more thatn 50 bucks, they are way fun to play with. One of Mac peoples fav. things to do is make a macquarium    . Or you could shit (<=== great typo HAHA!!) err... ship, the SE/30 off to Japan and have this done:

[ March 28, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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The oldest Mac here?
« Reply #6 on: 9 April 2002, 07:24 »
I'm running an LC (1992), a Mac Plus (1988) and a Mac 512k (unknown date of manufacture, needs tube discharge).

Do I win?


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The oldest Mac here?
« Reply #7 on: 9 April 2002, 10:49 »
Come on dude, you dont use any of those computers for day to day work, even year to year work.

Oldest machine you use nearly everyday. I was certain it would be my 1998 powerbook, but I guess have a longer useful lifespan than that!

I cant play a divx movie smoothly above 352x240 (varies on encoding parameters of course).

Running more than three applications is painful in OSX, but MacOS still chugs away (unitasking).
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The oldest Mac here?
« Reply #8 on: 10 April 2002, 03:32 »
Actually, one of the oldest macs, a Classic Mac 128k. Was actually one of the first PC webservers. It was retired recently, but it actually handled the workload! Pretty impressive I think  


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The oldest Mac here?
« Reply #9 on: 10 April 2002, 04:20 »
Originally posted by NJDevils:
Come on dude, you dont use any of those computers for day to day work, even year to year work

I use my LC almost every day - it makes one hell of a LocalTalk file server. Plus, it runs Minix.