Author Topic: why are macs so damn expensive??  (Read 4538 times)


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #15 on: 5 July 2002, 21:50 »
I don't want tostart these kind of remarks but --
are you stupid?


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #16 on: 6 July 2002, 00:50 »
« Last Edit: 1 May 2005, 06:55 by Lloydr »


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #17 on: 6 July 2002, 03:26 »
X86 running Linux is the way to go

No it's not. You want a 64bit RISC running real UNIX and if you cant get that a Mac. Because you know in your heart that those x86's we've all experienced aren't really up to the job. They are just endless modifications of an old toy processor.

[ July 05, 2002: Message edited by: * Tux * ]

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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #18 on: 6 July 2002, 03:51 »
i don't know what yer on, i put Linux on my AthlonXP 1700+ computer and it was hell fast. it could probably go head to head with a 933mhz G4


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #19 on: 6 July 2002, 17:31 »
« Last Edit: 1 May 2005, 06:56 by Lloydr »


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #20 on: 6 July 2002, 21:04 »
we have about 30 macs at school but about 200 wintels
the wintels are all Pentium 2 233mhz setups with 194mb of ram i think it was (says when it starts up) on Windows NT4.0. those wintel computers work great, they boot up pretty fast, they are easy to use and they get the job done because all we do is stuff like typing lessons, learn word processing and spreadsheets or look stuff up on the internet.
the mac computer work good sort of... they are very fast, excellent color but they don't much care for the proxy the school has (probably on NT4.0 since they already have that OS) because when people try to go on the internet the proxy doesn't always accept the password and user name you give even though they work flawlessly on the wintel computers.

the Pentium 2 computers do everything just as fast as the apple computers in this case because it is nothing strenuous and there is even an advantage of using the wintel in my school because you can get through the proxy every time without a problem.
my point is that you can't base how many macs are used with how good they are.....if that were true we could say Windows was the most stable, most reliable, fastest and easiest to use operating system out there.
i actually think Linux is a lot more user friendly than Windows is.... when my game server crashes in windows i get a stupid message that holds it down so clients just can't reconnect. on this windows computer, every time the computer starts it asks if i want to take a tour of windows or if i want to sign up for MSN messager, just leave me alone damn it! damn unuser friendly windows piece of crap....


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #21 on: 6 July 2002, 22:30 »
« Last Edit: 1 May 2005, 06:56 by Lloydr »


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #22 on: 6 July 2002, 23:04 »
You don't see apple racks being used because the xserve is a new product. Also, colleges and the military DID start using apple servers.

And I doubt you even used a sun4u.


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #23 on: 6 July 2002, 23:26 »
i would really love to see Linux come to schools, that would make my day  


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #24 on: 6 July 2002, 23:50 »
« Last Edit: 1 May 2005, 06:57 by Lloydr »


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #25 on: 7 July 2002, 00:00 »
« Last Edit: 1 May 2005, 06:58 by Lloydr »


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #26 on: 7 July 2002, 01:11 »
Dude, ever heard of the carriage return key?  ;)


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #27 on: 7 July 2002, 05:02 »
Lol yeah.

i'm not sayin the x86 is the best platform itself since there are better ones out there (i like what sun has been doing with the sparc/ultraSparc)but the x86 itself is the best when you consider how much support is out there, easily available, not bad performance, and all for a good price:features ratio....for x86, unix/linux/bsd is the best bet, other than that...ur jus fuckin yourself over LMFAO

Ok even if X86 sucks, isn't everyone forgetting that it's WIND0ZE and sloppy programming by game programmers(let newer hardware pick up the slack) that make X86 suck so much. Im sure the X86 has tons of raw power, even if it's shit compared to these other processors raw power wise.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #28 on: 7 July 2002, 07:33 »
yea i know what carriage return is LMFAO....enter lol....but i've only heard ppl say it when speaking of typewriters but it's all good and it's all enter lol l8r


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #29 on: 10 July 2002, 01:04 »
All you Mac heads saying PPC is so much faster than x86 have your heads so far up your asses you can lick your appendix.  PPC may be a more efficient architecture, Mhz wise, but a high end x86 system will beat the shit out of any Mac in terms of raw power and cost.

Let's see, I could get a 933 mhz "power" mac for over $2500.  Of course, I could only buy this from Apple, which maintains complete control over all Mac hardware sales.  But, I'd rather just spend $1,400 on a cutting edge PC that delivers better performance.  I built my computer from scratch, something you Mac lovers can only dream of doing, and it's as stable as hell (XP hasn't crashed once since I got it) and flies through everything I throw at it.  It also lets me customize my computer to the smallest detail, while still keeping the price low.  So fine, keep your stupid Macs, and rave about how great your 500 mhz g4 is.  While you're doing that, I'll be playing Morrowind in 1280x960 at 50 fps on my geforce 4 ti4600 and multitasking between 3ds Max and Photoshop 7.

As for servers, nothing beats Linux on an x86 computer for most purposes in terms of cost-efficiency.  Only a buffoon would waste money on a Mac for a server.

PS My other computer is a 700 mhz athlon and I've had it for over 5 years.  It still runs great.  So stop your lying horse shit about x86 being "utter, short-lived crap."  If you can run any program you want on your old 500 mhz Mac, then good for you, but that shows that Mac software hasn't advanced much in the past 2 years.