Actually it was in both Mac OS 9 and OS X, as MacMPEG2Decoder and Bryce 5 only work in classic environments.
What are the specs on your system?
350Mhz G4
Bus: 100Mhz
128Mb PC100 SDRAM
ATI rage 128 Pro (2x AGP)
1 mb Backside cache
10 Gb HD Ultra ATA/66 7200 RPM
20 Gb external HD firewire 7200 RPM (no Apps running of it)
Gigaflops: 0.7 - 2.8
Its rated at about a 1Ghz P3 by the way.
On my machine the encoding takes about Double actual movie time. But thats the price i pay for having DVD quality movies fitting on 1 CD-R, in the original size that is.
Why would i run Photoshop in windows it looks like crap and takes forever to do anything.
A true test would be to get the latest systems from Apple, Intel and AMD with the most popular peloaded system on it and run 3-4 apps at once and see things like CPU and memory usauge, time to complete tasks in the background, and time to complete task in the foreground because this is what the majority of users actually do.
Then we will see what system is actually faster. instead of just refering to figures on a peice of paper/in a file.
Send me the systems and i will willingly do it for you