Author Topic: why are macs so damn expensive??  (Read 5169 times)


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #45 on: 24 July 2002, 07:51 »
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
All you Mac heads saying PPC is so much faster than x86 have your heads so far up your asses you can lick your appendix.  PPC may be a more efficient architecture, Mhz wise, but a high end x86 system will beat the shit out of any Mac in terms of raw power and cost.

Let's see, I could get a 933 mhz "power" mac for over $2500.  Of course, I could only buy this from Apple, which maintains complete control over all Mac hardware sales.  But, I'd rather just spend $1,400 on a cutting edge PC that delivers better performance.  I built my computer from scratch, something you Mac lovers can only dream of doing, and it's as stable as hell (XP hasn't crashed once since I got it) and flies through everything I throw at it.  It also lets me customize my computer to the smallest detail, while still keeping the price low.  So fine, keep your stupid Macs, and rave about how great your 500 mhz g4 is.  While you're doing that, I'll be playing Morrowind in 1280x960 at 50 fps on my geforce 4 ti4600 and multitasking between 3ds Max and Photoshop 7.

As for servers, nothing beats Linux on an x86 computer for most purposes in terms of cost-efficiency.  Only a buffoon would waste money on a Mac for a server.

PS My other computer is a 700 mhz athlon and I've had it for over 5 years.  It still runs great.  So stop your lying horse shit about x86 being "utter, short-lived crap."  If you can run any program you want on your old 500 mhz Mac, then good for you, but that shows that Mac software hasn't advanced much in the past 2 years.

wow, 177 posts. i bet 170 of them are just flames. you must really have no life. in other news, about the whole my <insert os here> or <insert hardware> here is better than yours thing, well.. no OS is really better than the other.

*PERSONALLY* i think OSX is the best desktop OS around, but that is just an opinion. now to a gamer, OSX would bite the big one, or to somebody that is "joe average" would also think OSX sucks -- let's face it, most new computer users, or computer users in general are cheap, and they don't feel like paying the extra cash for a mac. also, macs are not available in every computer store in america.

wait, that reminds me:  this microsoft junkie that i replied to said "Let's see, I could get a 933 mhz "power" mac for over $2500.  Of course, I could only buy this from Apple, which maintains complete control over all Mac hardware sales." -- WHAT ON EARTH? uhh.. you can buy macs from many other stores. personally, i like

and about the hardware.. on processors Sun eats us all alive, as far as i know. but on the PC vs. Mac hardware thing, i'd have to say PC kicks the mac right in the ass. RIGHT IN THE ASS I SAY! any mac user that isn't biased pretty much knows that *HIGH-END* (note: i said high end) PC's usually kick our ass when it comes to hardware. they might not kick our ass on how reliable their hardware is or how much of a resell value their hardware has, but it sure as hell kicks our ass in performace. most macs lack DDR ram, we lack a decent bus speed, we lack a good sound card, etc.

my point is this: high end PC's do blow away the current Mac's, this WindowsXP guy needs a life, and needs to just shut up before he gets shot, and on the OS war, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A WINNER. gosh, i really need to punch some people in the face. there is probably a million spelling/whatever errors in this, oh well.

wow. i only made one spelling error? AMAZING! i love being perfect. die.

[ July 23, 2002: Message edited by: eradicator ]


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #46 on: 24 July 2002, 08:10 »
not really, suns are more for pushing data around then anything else. now a dec alpha at 500mhz as the solarise admin says when i asked him how it compares to intel hardware "blows the shit out of it" i might be buying a dec machine soon WEEEE
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #47 on: 24 July 2002, 08:19 »
what are MIPS processors? i've heard of those but i don't know what the deal is behind those.... who makes those?


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #48 on: 24 July 2002, 08:34 »
Originally posted by Chooco:
what are MIPS processors? i've heard of those but i don't know what the deal is behind those.... who makes those?


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #49 on: 24 July 2002, 21:03 »
nope, sgi only uses them, the mips processer is a processer core that you can license and make yer own damned cpu. the playstation uses mips, the N64 uses mips a few pda use mips.
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #50 on: 24 July 2002, 19:48 »
hey hey, chill out man. PA-RISC and PPC-RISC systems are known as the best supercomputing systems in the world. You honestly think Sun can compete outside military contracts? Your kidding yourself. If you think x86 is worth the carbon is printed on, your shittin yerself. x86 should have died years ago. Do you think IBM would bother to make processors if only Apple computing was buying? No! Amiga's use IBM RISC proc's, so do rendering farms, and professional movie editing studios. Sound studios use RISC based digital mixers, video game console's use RISC systems (Game Cube, Panasonic GC, other variants) RISC means reliability, don't fool yourself! As far as other Architectures go, MIPS 16 - 128 are the some of the cheapest architectures you can get. A Mips 128 system at 350Mghz retails for below 1000USD.Infact, if you want a mips 128 box for cheaper than that, go buy a PS2 and the linux kit
total price 299USD.
HiyaAAAA!!!!!! Something smellls!


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why are macs so damn expensive??
« Reply #51 on: 24 July 2002, 22:36 »
Originally posted by Sunshine:
hey hey, chill out man. PA-RISC and PPC-RISC systems are known as the best supercomputing systems in the world. You honestly think Sun can compete outside military contracts? Your kidding yourself. If you think x86 is worth the carbon is printed on, your shittin yerself. x86 should have died years ago. Do you think IBM would bother to make processors if only Apple computing was buying? No! Amiga's use IBM RISC proc's, so do rendering farms, and professional movie editing studios. Sound studios use RISC based digital mixers, video game console's use RISC systems (Game Cube, Panasonic GC, other variants) RISC means reliability, don't fool yourself! As far as other Architectures go, MIPS 16 - 128 are the some of the cheapest architectures you can get. A Mips 128 system at 350Mghz retails for below 1000USD.Infact, if you want a mips 128 box for cheaper than that, go buy a PS2 and the linux kit
total price 299USD.

i was commenting about pc/mac. Macs are underpowered, and we all know it. and everything else you said, i already knew. i never really said Sun makes the fastest processors in the world, i just said Sun "eats us alive" as in Pentium/G4/Athlon. but i still know Sun ranks as one of the top.