I'm not flaming, but opera is the best browser around, due to its frugality with resources, and it's userfriendly approach to full customisability!
Plus, it's available for Windows (32 and 16 bit) as well as MacOS, Linux and also, OS/2, BeOS, SunOS et c et c so you can have the same browser on all yr miyriad of computers.
On the other hand, my sister is having a terrible time with windows at the moment, and can't get opera to stay upright for any length of time.
She prefers Copernicus, which is a search engine type application with a built in browser. Its browser is fast, but limited to 1 window at a time (when you open a new window, it comes up in yr default browser, which of course should be Opera!) and you can't switch the graphics loading on and off to my knowledge, to save loading a gumph heavy page.
Also, say again? what is the difference between Mozilla and Netscape? Aren't they just both pieces of AOL rubbish hacked onto old open source stuff? Please set me straight.