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Your favorite coffee

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I like strong coffee.  I dont give a shit what brand it is.  I just like to be able to taste it.  The more my coffee is like sluge and less like water, the better.

quote:Originally posted by the stiller:
dude isn't red bull made from bull jizz?

i still think its tastes pretty good though...
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Ha ha!  Yeah, and hot dog weiners are made from a pigs penis, at least that is what I was told in elementary school.

you'd love the coffee my high school physics teacher made. this stuff was so viscous you could use it as motor oil

I think it was motor oil


quote:Originally posted by Paladin9:
I like strong coffee.  I dont give a shit what brand it is.  I just like to be able to taste it.  The more my coffee is like sluge and less like water, the better.


Ha ha!  Yeah, and hot dog weiners are made from a pigs penis, at least that is what I was told in elementary school.
--- End quote ---

ehh my cousin told em and she swore she read it on a can.

fuck im gullabul

Two or three days ago, I walked over to the nearest Texaco/Shell station to buy a random bag of chips (I was bored, and decided a walk to buy unhealthy food was in order). After waiting for a barely-legal guy that could snap me with his EYES to finish buying his beer, I bought some Pixie Sticks (TM). I also eyed myself a can of Red Bull, and bought it, thinking I should try it at least once.

I was suprised it wasn't as bad as coke, but it still sucked a whole lot, and was not worth its $2.50 price. It's lightly-carbonated bull piss in fancy packaging. I also didn't feel very energetic walking back home, and fell right asleep an hour or two later. The Pixie Sticks were also terrible, and I will never buy tubes of shitty colored powder again.

All in all, I think the trip was a failure. Regardless of what I said, I will probably buy a can or two of Red Bull every once in a while, because it's the LESSER EVIL in the SODA BUSINESS.

I should have stuck to the original plan and bought a bag of chips.

I now have wings.

Bleh. That bull piss is bullshit. Or rather, carbonated snake oil.


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