Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Were the forums down?
retaliate?? because it would be fun
The site was NOT hacked. That "Eat Shit Motherfuckers!" screen is the default web page (instead of the "if you can read this, Apache is installed correctly!" page) that runkpock put on this box and a few others when at i2net.com. So when you saw that page, it was because the Apache configuration was still being tweaked and the virtual hosts (www, forum, forums, etc.) weren't reconfigured. That page has always been there.
There was some personal thing between runkpock and some other guy who works at i2net (the place where this site WAS hosted until this weekend), and the other guy got pissed and turned off the machine. (Nice and professional, no?) So runkpock triumphantly went down there and moved it to a new colo facility. The website, forums, and DNS are all moved over; the mail is still being worked on. But it should hopefully be back up within a day or so.
As long as I'm here, yes, I know the store doesn't work (other than the "mirror image" stuff, I believe). That's because Cafe Press is a bunch of lawyer-fearing assholes. I'll get into that some other time, I guess. (sigh)
Great job on getting things moved! Coulda been much worse.
What an ordeal, glad MES is back.
at least the "furious" man who done it didnt wipe the disk.
# rm -rf /
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