Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Were the forums down?

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Worked fine for me (the Bob hub chatroom)

[ December 16, 2002: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]

The servers were moved, so was the DNS and mail.
As the DNS updates, you will notice that everything
will slowly begin working again. The reason behind
all of this chaos is some idiot that can hardly
manage to talk decided to take out something
personal against the people who run this website.
The matter is resolved. Perhaps I'll post his email
here so you can all tell him what you think of this.

I just sent an email to Calum asking what was up just seconds ago. Oh well.

Yeah, here's what I saw at one point:


The site was hacked huh. Well that sucks, especially since the site is hosted on servers that arent located near the webmaster, so he has no direct control over a lot of the security.


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