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jtpenrod your image carries an MSN cookie

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Gooseberry Clock:


clock, fuck off, that is a useless link, you already posted it, let it lie, now get fucked.

you posted some shit elsewhere about system restore too, why not shove it up yr ass? just a suggestion, nobody cares.

hope you enjoy reading this reply as you imagine that i am angry. I am actually laughing at you...

Gooseberry Clock:
That is a link to a list of free web hosts that let you links images. And disabling System Restore will make Win Me run faster. Believe it or not, I trying to help you.

I already found a host for the sig. It's a private server whose owner is allowing many of us to use for our sigs    And it's completely spyware-free so there won't be anymore unwanted visitors on other folks' HDs. Now MSN can really FUCK OFF

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read this topic!

even though you deleted your image from msn, the reference to the image still references an msn cookie.
A few of your posts still contain the old msn reference (probably ones that you edited after you posted them), can you weed out all those incidences of yr signature that contain this cookie please? people are getting tetchy!!  ;)


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